Hemp derived THC vs the real deal
I'm from Tennessee and been vaping our legal thc vapes since they were legalized federally in 2018 by the farm bill when it was signed into law making it the first national act of legalizing THC and with the same person back in office I'm hoping for it to become federal decriminalized. But back to the point anytime i go to a legal state i always hear about how bad these products are in all these years I've never smoked the hemp stuff because it is terrible but the vapes are just about the same i don't get the hate. I currently have a realy thc vape from a Michigan dispensary and i have the hemp thc vape from a Tennessee ""dispensary"" and they are almost identical hit for hit the only real difference i think is how long the high last. With the real Michigan vape the effects last an hour and with the Tennessee one you're completely over it within 30 minutes but the hemp vapes compensate for this but usually being a minimum of 2.5 grams at the cheapest and goes up to 10 grams for some reason. I can buy a 4 gram hemp thc vape every week and have an identical experience from a 2 gram real thc vape from a state like Michigan or Missouri. Both lasting a week and gives me the same mind and body changes. I don't know why people criticized them so heavily when side by side i don't see any real difference