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I Think Marijuana Should Be Legalized

Marijuana is but one of many useful substances that at this point have been shut down by governments for no good reason but they're own benefits and agendas. People all over the world for thousands of years have used these plants as tools, and should be respected as such and not abused, obviously. But what makes things not ok is when the government suppresses these tools and denies them as such, and instead giving us these man-made prescription drugs that almost always do more harm than good to our bodies.

I have found marijuana to be a miracle plant for self-growth and mind-expansion, and still safe for recreational use. Headache? aches and pains? depression and anxiety? having too many heavy thoughts? I feel instant relief to just about anything as soon as i smoke it, its almost instant. Not only that but the amount of strains there are that do different things is crazy. Just simply mastering sativa and indica allows you to find what you need for any situation.

Marijuana is a mind-expanding substance as well, and I have used it very much to my advantage. I don't even feel like the same person I was a couple years ago and now I feel so much more enlightened, happy, and focused with my life. At the same time theres always a time to stop using it aswell, as being a stoner for life eventually does lead to laziness and you might start losing your passion for hobbies, so again, use it as a tool in certain parts of your life and it should serve you well.
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BraveCat · 26-30, M
It is true. DMT is a chemical that actually forms in the brain in small amounts, and can be found in plants. im not saying theres a DMT plant, an MDMA plant, or an LSD plant, I am saying these chemicals are found naturally on the earth.
xCoinx · 31-35, M
So even though these chemicals are synthesised in a laboratory, you say they are natural because they exist on earth?
xSharp · 31-35, M
there is a dmt plant im pretty sure. its in the bark of a tree in the amazon, you can order it over the internet.
xSharp · 31-35, M
life long stoner, weed actually motivates me to get off the couch and exercise after a long day of work. muscle soreness feels more like a massage when im high.
xCoinx · 31-35, M
If you think LSD, DMT, or MDMA have been around forever drawing naturally from the earth, you have very much mistaken.
xSharp · 31-35, M
th.ere is a dmt plant im pretty sure. its in the bark of a tree in the amazon, you can order it over the internet

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