THC hangoverA THC hangover is like peering into the unseen places, all the wrong turns you've made, how inextricably entwined and in a mess things are, giving faint clues as to how to untie the knots, but a tiredness prevails, and the best option is silence, of... See More »
I hate hangoversI won’t regret it the night before but the second I feel that hangover in the morning I think damn I shouldn’t have drank but it was fun . I always think “ I’m never drinking again “ then I drink 3 days later 😂. I can’t help it tequila taste so good... See More »
Word of adviceWhen you hit your 30s, it’s all downhill. Lol. Especially with alcohol. Don’t get shitfaced the night before you have an early shift. The bounce back time isn’t the same like your 20s.