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A drunk phase lol

Ask me anything? Its been a while since I’ve done this or gotten this high lol

For the record: I’ve had 9 drinks of alcohol and still going on lol. Idk. Im just sad. I wish, I had a way to forget it all.
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HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
Yeah, I was trying to do the same all last month. Not trying to sound like on some high horse because I ain't but I recently decided that I should probably feel those negative emotions and let them have their day, week, month or years. It won't feel comfortable but ultimately it's what confirms one is alive. We should never be ashamed or afraid of our feelings, it's what makes us human. Easier said than done of course.

I just relapsed after being sober for a week. The longest I've been sober was 7 months. Part of the reason why I was able to stay sober for that long was because I was locked up for 3 months. As much as I wish I could say it was just my own willpower, it really wasn't.

Good luck to you man, don't sweat it! I like how you phrased it: "drunk phase", that's all it is, just a phase. It's all part of the journey. Some people know what it's like, others don't. I'm someone who kinda does.

Cheers 🍻 I'm sipping on some vodka and Dos Equis, gotta get sober before tomorrow though because I start my new job.
metaldog · 51-55, F
sounds like a support group is the way to go...Anthony Hopkins who is an alcoholic and still goes to AA daily said you never forget your pain you just have to learn to deal with it on a daily basis, this really struck a chord with me it's so true 🌺
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
The drink won’t help… I get it though, totally

Here’s my “ask”: What’s your favorite thing to do?
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@WaryWitchWandering I like petting puppies or stray dogs lol. I know they don’t lie as humans do.

Btw I used autocorrect to fix my shit lol
Fertilization · 36-40, F
That’s sad 😟
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@Fertilization Im sorry.

Idk what else to say. Im like in a spot where I want to show how I feel. But im masking it well. Lying. Pushing everyone away because im scared of hurting anyone in the process. I love them all. But im broken. Lol
Your favourite memory? Also your favourite drunken memory? Are they far apart?
Lilymoon · F
I hope you're okay *hugs*
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Just wait till you get drafted and sent to Vietnam!
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
metaldog · 51-55, F
@LordShadowfire well that worked for me lol

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