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I have a radical idea...and a very unpopular one...

Let the drug addicts die. We, the public, are not responsible for them... if they can't save themselves, so be it. Maybe cruel, but society can't help them.
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Punches · 46-50, F
When someone has a problem (drugs or whatever), it is easy to say "They did it to themselves, let them suffer."

Thing is, when said problem arrives in our own lives, suddenly we might feel different.

"Do not mock someone else's struggle, for you might be next".

I know that addicts are a pain to deal with but letting them just die is probably not the answer.
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Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Watching a girl here thst is trying again to stay sober
She has abdolutely no where else to go. By keeping her from freezingbto death domevwould say that i am enabling her. But as far as i can tell she is staying dry and taking her meds. There are times though that I would agree that there seems nothing that can be done. Nothing that WE can do. It is all up to her. This is her last chance.
Wiseacre · F
@Tastyfrzz yes, up to the individual to save his/her life, not the state.
That may be the case for some, but it's a gross generalization that all addicts chose that life and can't be helped. Most addicts who are offered help do detox successfully, so just letting them die without trying is a big no for me.
Penny · 46-50, F
people generally start doing drugs to cope with emotional problems. then they get addicted. maybe not all but many. so its like if you see it that way that they are just traumatized or abused people doesnt it make you want to help them? besides, treatment is probably cheaper than housing them in jail or prison which is where they may end up if no one cares about them. as far as letting them die, they definitely do already.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
nobody or at least not many people gets addicted intentioanlly or doesn't want to get unaddicted soon after being addicted.

we can take cig smokers---most of them made a foolish decision when they were in jr high or high school and have tried to quit for decades whtie the product makers perfect how to keep them hooked for life

or heroin, many started on pain killers. with no intention of being addicted--just not being in pain.

In the USA "let them die" is the current policy more often than not and isn't an unpopular opinion as at least in my county.

however it lacks any compassion at all for people caught in a cycle they struggle to break. It doesn't mean they don't own any of the recovery but not having social programs to give them a support structure paid by tax dollars is certainly an indicator of a society that has very little care to their neighbors, co-workers and others many who do a grand job of hiding their addictions as well as the homeless who are so far down the rabbit hole that they often lost their livelyhood and social status over said addiction
Wiseacre · F
@robertsnj yes, ik all that, but why should we care more than the addicted? Whatever was tried before wasn't working, so let them die bc they don't care, anyway.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I rather fear it would be an extremely popular idea . .

Why is society not responsible? If a capitalist economy creates the conditions of poverty, exclusion, ill health, hopelessness that fuel addiction, why should it not be made to clean up the mess it has created.
Wiseacre · F
@SunshineGirl capitalist economy is a contributor..it's complex.
Thrust · 56-60, M

If a capitalist economy creates the conditions of poverty, exclusion, ill health, hopelessness that fuel addiction, why should it not be made to clean up the mess it has created.

If only every place could be N Korea it'd be all sunshine and lollipops!!!!!!
That's definitely cruel.

I'll never understand humans that lack compassion and understanding and I'm glad for that.
Wiseacre · F
@MarbleMarvel sure it is, but life is cruel!
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean that the public healthcare system and any organization that is funded from state's money should deny any care to them? Or do you want to go further and criminalize any help given to them by individuals and private companies?
Wiseacre · F
@CrazyMusicLover the former
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Do you count sugar?
Wiseacre · F
@Bumbles we have drugs for diabetes
Punches · 46-50, F
@Wiseacre Diabetic meds have no recreational value. Well unless someone enjoys spending a lot of time on the pot.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@Wiseacre That is life saving care which you are against!
bookerdana · M
And let them decrease the excess population,Ebenezer
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Wiseacre · F
@deadgerbil wherever...whatever was tried never worked...waste of money!

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