Hollywood and the media have molded and brainwashed an entire generation to be under the delusion that being a virgin until you've found the right one and are married is somehow embarrassing and lame. They have convinced the youth that sleeping around before marriage and getting a bunch of diseases and ending up miserable and empty inside is somehow cool. It's quite absurd. We live in such a backwards and insane society where up is down and down is up, where people call good evil and evil good. If everyone was a virgin until their wedding day, we would have a significantly healthier, more righteous and sane society.
You are in the rare minority who is doing the right thing in this situation. It makes you look quite distinguished and shows great character in you. I admire you very much for this.
Most importantly, you are in alignment with God's word for waiting. God condemns any sex outside of marriage and calls it fornication in his word and you will see all throughout the Bible how serious of a sin fornication is in God's eyes.