In today's "anything goes" society, being a virgin at 35 shows that you are a person that has high moral values and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is very commendable.
Waiting for the right man to give yourself to is also very commendable, but I have to ask, is the reason you are saving yourself for the right man out of fear that he will someday leave you or is it more because you haven't found that man yet? You shouldn't let fear of possible future events run your life for you.
The majority of married people marry with the intent to stay with their chosen partner til death do they part, but it doesn't always work out that way. I am all for life long marriages too, but it doesn't always work out that way.
Maybe you're being to hard on yourself. Maybe you've set your standards unreasonably high and virtually unattainable in selecting a partner. Think about this, but by no means rush into any decision either way.
I have always been of the belief that when you find the right person, you'll know it and it'll be wonderful.
Feel free to message me anytime if you just want to chat.