Pick me up one of these

Kiesel · 56-60, M
You won’t blend with normal decor there then
HannahSky · F
At least dress appropriately. Wear your housecoat.
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@MsSwan omg what ?🤣
Madmonk · M
Target get looted again?
Maybe they should change their name
Maybe they should change their name
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
You think people at Walmart know better than to pick a fight with a people at Walmart?
It's almost an oxymoron
It's almost an oxymoron
@caPnAhab They don't know any better
Justafantasy · M
Please say you have clothes in
Cowboybob · M
Just black out a tooth or two
tenente · 100+, M
pajamas 😂 their comfort makes me uncomfortable lol