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Nobody00 · F
Boys who couldn't make it on boys team now playing on girls
boredom · 70-79, C
@Nobody00 That's not a thing that happens. Do you really think that someone will change their entire life to play on a sports team? You're falling for the lies of conservatives who want to make you feel under attack so you keep watching their content. As you say, "everything you have been told is a lie".
Nobody00 · F
These days people have completely lost their minds. Grown men want to lead little girls’ lives..... or maybe something else...@boredom
boredom · 70-79, C
@Nobody00 That made no sense and had nothing to do with what I said. Clearly you have nothing to prove me wrong. Think for yourself and do research. Don't be a sheep.

Alison · 18-21, F Best Comment
As a person on HRT I can u, your muscles do change. I've got girl muscles now. I've got just got girl strength now.
And my dick, yeah good luck getting that to do anything. My tits are where the action is now anyways. I'm just your standard transgirl simp.
Honestly I avoid spaces where men and women congregate to change or go to the toilet. I'm terrified in guys spaces for obvious reasons and I don't want to scare anyone in the girls one so I avoid them too.
I think people should let people play together if they want and stop worrying about what is between someone else's legs.
WSEIII · 51-55, M
@canusernamebemyusername What about the locker room? Same objection for girls in boy scouts.
At my high school, there was this one girl who used to get out of certain sports like netball to go and play soccer with the boys... 🤭
WSEIII · 51-55, M
@HootyTheNightOwl And then there are the girls who wrestle.
@WSEIII Wrestling isn't something that we do at school over here, though.
It's okay if girls play on the boys team because it's more difficult. Boys on a girls team is unfair.
Sharon · F
@SW-User Double standards. :(
Gender blender

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