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Enough about me lets talk about you what do you think about me ?

meJess · F
My friends have all passed a German security scan. It’s not to be sniffed at.

Step away from the bacon and there won’t be any incidents 😊.
TJNewton · M
@meJess Lol :)
TJNewton · M
@TryingtoLava Love you to Lava always lovely to see you :)
Prettybratbi1tch · 26-30, F
I think what I think of you shouldn't matter
TJNewton · M
@Prettybratbi1tch What else do you fink ? and even though your right it doesn't matter i would still like to know
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
Eh, needs moar cowbell
TJNewton · M
@TheLordOfHell Yeppers
Unhinged · 100+
How have you got 16,000 posts and this is the first I've ever seen you? I've been here on and off since 2013 (Ep)
TJNewton · M
@Unhinged Well i dont have an answer for that plus i ain't see you either
Unhinged · 100+
@TJNewton I just made this account - I keep trying to leave and stay gone but I keep coming back
TJNewton · M
@Unhinged There's your answer then

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