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I locked myself out of my phone 🤣

Late last night, after my glass had been emptied several times, I decided to change my phone PIN. You know, cause you do these things after several.

Well, when I woke up, I couldn't remember what I changed it to and got locked out of trying for several hours. So I went back to sleep while thinking about what I might have changed it to, and remembered in a dream!
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
Write it down next time! 🤔😂
Well over a week ago, I broke my phone a 2nd time and have to get it fixed again for 200 dollars. I know that seems expensive (and it is), but my phone uses Super AMOLED so if the screen is damaged, it has to be completely replaced. I don't wanna bore you with the technical details, but Super AMOLED integrates the touch sensors and the visual panel all into a single unit, thus making it very fragile. While OLED and its variants are more fragile than CRT and LCD/LED, Super AMOLED stands out as being very physically weak.

I'm gonna not repeat my mistake by getting professional help on dealing with my anger issues regarding touchscreens, and I'll avoid getting a phone with Super AMOLED in the future. If you're curious, the other variants are AMOLED, PMOLED, PLED, TOLED, FLOLED, SMOLED, Curved AMOLED, and Dynamic AMOLED. All of these are nowhere as weak and thin as Super AMOLED smh. My phone I'm currently using for the past half year is the Samsung Galaxy A34 5G, which released early last year in the spring.
Neman1622 · 41-45, M
@uikakarotuevegeta this is a cheap burner phone from Walmart...i was about to just pull the sim and buy a new phone, but then i remembered
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Here I send you old school text so you can unlock your cellphone. With ham radio, I never never needed a cellphone. I can make free calls with the radio (with some limitations)
[image deleted]
I changed mine to my thumb print but it still asks for a code to get into it. Then I can use my thumbprint. I find it annoying though.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Switch over to this, no code needed

[image deleted]
WillaKissing · 56-60
Damn that milk drinking is rough stuff! Try 151 Rum next time. LOL.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Got to stay away from them cellphones, they have radiation.

Use this this instead
[image deleted]

(I don't know if I show you this photo or not, oh well. Too late now)
Workerbee · 31-35, M
good thing you remembered

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