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If you’re wanting to become friends just because you liked my selfie, get lost!

Buncha shallow-asses. 🙄
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Freeranger · M
So, that leaves you in a very dim light for posting a selfie bent on attracting individuals whom, you were bent on attracting and disappointing.
Impolitely, that makes you a tease.
In my book, that makes you no one worth knowing on a personal level
Freeranger · M
@SW-User Awww, I hate those icons.....they're so tiny. Where does it all end....😂
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@SW-User how am I a simp? I didn't message her all thirsty after she posted a pic. I'm just pointing out his argument makes no sense. He's a butthurt contratrian, I mean he literally just started with you for no apparent reason.
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This is kind of a weird post considering that you haven't accepted any friends in all the time you've been here apparently.

Though you do have nearly 200 followers..

Your selfie was in fact very nice. You're very attractive, I'm sure your received a flurry of new friend requests after posting it..

You've been here long enough to have expected it.. but again, you've never accepted a single request so what's the point of this post?.

Are you alright? Or just tired of being constantly hounded by shallow men and women simply because you happen to be more than passing attractive?
@Onestarlitnight https://similarworlds.com/nsfw/oral/4311349-Am-I-the-only-one-who-doesnt-like-oral-sex?rid=51949234

Consider yourself invalidated. 😂
Yes, as i said.
I did in fact ask that question.. it didn't seem out of context at all.. it was not unlike the many other responses you received. It was a straight forward question and I explained the reason I asked.
Whatever 🤣🤣
where's the pic ? i missed it

how am i supposed to determine if im worthy of your friendship????

dang ...😁
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
@Carissimi I agree.
@ravenwind43 Offended? I’m not in the wrong here. What do I have to be offended over? 🤷🏽‍♀️
@Carissimi @ravenwind43 People like you two are why “respect your elders” became “respect is earned”. 🙄
Renkon · 41-45, M
This a sad post.
In real life if you say something like this, you won’t have to worry about being approached for friendship.
But that’s the beauty of online communities like SW. You can rant anything.
But so can someone send a friendly message. Just ignore it if you don’t like it.
This post puts you in a dim light my dear. It shouts insecurity.
@Renkon Childish? 😆 What’s childish is middle-aged men lecturing a young girls just for feeling uncomfortable with unwanted attention, just because you know the shoe fits. Deny it all you like, but we both know it. It’s no coincidence that the only other comments saying what you said have been from other creepy middle-aged men. And I’m the one being seen a bad light, lmao!

And I love how you say:
But that’s the beauty of online communities like SW. You can rant anything.
Yet you’re still trying to argue with me. But I’m the one who looks bad, alright. If you really believe the above quote of yours, then quit acting like a deluded manchild and walk away.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@PerchingDove You are young?! hmm Then that makes sense. I honestly wouldn't have commented if I knew. The inexperience is self explanatory.

I know you at your age advice is the last thing you want. Still here are few things.

When you are 30, if you look back at your post you would understand what I meant. Or you can even ask someone who in their 30s and care about you, about expressing this way, they will tell you it is a bad idea. People will claps their hands, but judge you inside.

Anyway, considering the new revelation I believe it was a mistake commenting. tc.
@Renkon Oh, I’m sure I will. Regardless, I’m confident I won’t be as delusional and narrow-minded as you are when I reach your age.

And I find it really hard to believe you wouldn’t have bothered if you knew I was young. I’m sure it would be quite the opposite… How’d you find my profile, huh?
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Can I keep the selfie anyway?
@plungesponge Are you ncgremlin?
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Whyme · 46-50, M
Wheres this selfy you speak of
@Whyme I was kidding.
Whyme · 46-50, M
@PerchingDove if a guy you seen as attractive took this same approach would he be a douche if he was like hey shes good looking send her a friend request you wouldnt throw a hissy fit would ya
Whyme · 46-50, M
@PerchingDove granted im sure the onslaught of sex questions and dic pics prob gets a bit old
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Well can I at least see yourself before you call me names
chrisCA · M
@PerchingDove Why some people don't bother to follow back any of their followers.
@chrisCA Oh. I have added people back before. But now I just don’t. I’m sure you can figure out why.
chrisCA · M
@PerchingDove Maybe, but I also wonder why anyone would follow anyone who does not reciprocate.
The same goes for the men on this site who follow women, who don't follow any men.
Heck. Some of these women are downright hostile to men, yet these guys suck up to them. Lol
pdockal · 56-60, M
What selfie ?
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@pdockal “Worth the effort”, LOL!
ExtremeNext · 36-40
I friend ugly people also 😏
ExtremeNext · 36-40
@empanadas fake news if I unfriended you you would be blocked now
I deleted my friends list last year then added everybody back
empanadas · 31-35, M
ExtremeNext · 36-40
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I don’t even know what you look like and want to be your friend so there😤
@JRVanguard Fine. We can be friends. But only on Wednesdays.
JRVanguard · 26-30, M

(It didn’t animate for some reason but you get the point)
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Yeh exactly why i dont put pics up anymore
I like your username that’s why
@SW-User Thanks. I’m Native American and that’s my unofficial indigenous name given to me by an elder.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Where's the selfie
That’s all they go by on here 🤭
Are you dinè ? What’s your clan?
@PerchingDove Cherokee? or cordalane?.. I’m Navajo and Laguna Pueblo
@SW-User Neither. They’re their own nations.
@PerchingDove oh. Okay then carry on
What selfie tho
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Titpic before friendship
Carissimi · F
🙄 What do you expect? 🤦‍♀️
It's not the lamest criteria it could be.
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Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Damn sorry 🤣
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@PerchingDove fair enough. I'll say though that I've had good connections from photos before, still talk to some years later. Unless it's people like "hey gorgeous, what Dem feet smell like"
@Ryannnnnn That’s different because you’re a man. Unless you’re meaning you contacting women over their photos.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@PerchingDove not really. I've had fetish people contact me many times saying I'm having triplets and I should rub their belly, or other weird shit. Made friends though sometimes.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Hey! I do not have a shallow ass. It`s just small....
SailorMarz · F
Damn you must've been gawgeous
empanadas · 31-35, M
I commented on this post can we be friends? I'm just a weirdo on the internet 😁
Lilnonames · F
I will but I'll lose u first

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@Lilnonames It is an honor. 🥹

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