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Notes to a growing yet dissipating self

There is a strength that lies in the heart of the wounded who chooses not to wound in return.

In this restraint/no action, life blooms , a garden that tends itself without you.

Each time you test it, the world brightens a little more for those around you, again without you.

Yes, rage clouds the mind, makes shadows of your judgment. Survival, rises and takes hold. Yet even in this, you have opportunity.

When you push others away, because they have wounded you, or because you wish to show them the weight of their action, you still can, in that very moment, choose to keep them safe from the wound you might offer in return. You still can transform a selfish action to a selfless inaction.

To let go, not to surrender but to create. Not because you're helpless, but because you choose to. It is to build within yourself another sacred temple where you wish them well, where their faults are forgiven because of their forgotten goodness you can reflect on. And you can hold billions of temple within you. You truly can.

Children, in their innocence, know this without understanding any of it. They see only saints in the faces of those who care for them. They love, often more purely than they are loved. This love is yours too. It always has been. You can choose to see the world with those same eyes, & to love as though all people were children in need of kindness.

This is not to deny anger its place in your heart. It is okay. You will be okay. To feel is human and so is to grow. You're a complex being of a brilliant multidimensional intellect that can hold many truths at the same time, even as they contradict, wax and wane.. Do not underestimate your strengths nor weaknesses. They can be one.
Rokan · 31-35, M
I feel ive gotten a little better at holding in my attitude and not putting it on others. I noticed that if im worried about something or anxious i can be short without patience.

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