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God gave us a brain for a reason. Take back your power and control, and you'll stop being miserable.

We are not so stupid that we cannot think and do for ourselves. Therefore, we have no excuse to allow people or "things" to control or abuse us.

This may seem very small and insignificant, yet it is essential, if you want to take control of your life. Don't dismiss it, but think about it every day. And that is, you have within your mind, a very special tool that is so powerful, it is very often overlooked and even ignored. There's only one thing you need, if you want control and power in your life.

We lose our power, when we give it away to other people...period! When we let others live our lives for us... making decisions for us or telling us what to do. We do not need anyone's permission in order to do what we feel is right for us!! We are our own individual. We do not need anyone telling us what to do or how to do it. God gave us that gift. We already have it built within us. So, what you want, is to take back your power, and when you take back your power, you take back control of your life again. However, you need one more thing to make it work. And it's so easy, it's ridiculous, but it WORKS!!! When you get the answer, I want you to think about it very hard, and you will see it.

You know the difference between right and wrong, right? Yes you do! That is a great power to have and it is built right within you. But some people don't know how to use that power. Instead, some have given away their precious gift, and allowed others to use it against them. How do you get it back? Easily...when you think about it. It only takes your doing one thing. Then you'll have your power back.

Think about it. The two words that give you back complete control and power over your life, you already have within you!

Since you know the difference between right and wrong, you also have the power of choice ... to either accept things, or not. You have the power to decide whether you want something or someone in your life, or you don't! You not only lose your power, if allow others or other things to control you. You also lose yourself...and that's a mighty high price to pay.

You know what you want for yourself and that means you should never stray from that conviction. The minute you do, you will lose yourself, and then you will start to lose self-confidence and self-esteem. Next, you'll begin to hate yourself for not having the backbone to stand up for yourself. Every time you agree to something you don't want to do, you lose yourself. A little piece of your spirit is chipped away. We weren't made nor meant to turn against ourselves...not for ANY reason.

This is the power you have. You can ask yourself, 'Do I want this, or not? Do I want this person or "thing" in my life, that is holding up my life and making me miserable, or do I not?' But it has to go even further than that. If you want your power back in all things, then you must learn the two words that will help get you it back.

The two words are simply, yes and no!

So when anything is brought before you, you must first ask yourself, "Do I want this in my life? Will it enhance my life and make my life so much better?" This puts you in control! YOU now control the situation and have power over it and nothing should change your mind. You have the right to think for yourself and let nothing and no one interfere with that, because if you do, you will lose yourself. If the answer is yes, then that's good. Stick by that. But if the answer is NO because you either don't need it or you don't want it in your life, then take your power back and say NO!!! Never say yes, when you actually mean no!! Never "settle" or "give in" just to please someone, because then you will feel cheated, and you will also, only be cheating yourself. "Is this good for me?" If the answer is no, then don't do it! No one is forcing your hand and if they are, then you don't need them in your life. Kick them out for good! YOU call the shots now. Not someone else. Never again, give your power away. We know how to say yes and no and take up for ourselves, so we need to exercise that and never go against our own desires. Get rid of the toxic people in your life that are trying to control you, once and for all. Do what you want to do, because that makes you human and that makes you an individual, which you deserve to be.

Is this good for me?
Do I want this in my life?
Do I need this in my life?
Is this making me miserable?
Is this going to make me happy?
Is this going to make me sad?
Will this give me regrets?
Will this enhance my life or make it worse?

You're the one back in control. Always be true to yourself. Use that control to your advantage and never let go of your power again. A "yes or no", means everything. It makes all the difference in the world. Your answer will either make you miserable or make you happy, whichever you wish. We never have to stand for what we don't want in our lives. Never! And the only reason someone would, is if they are "people pleasers" and God did not put us on this Earth to be people pleasers! Give your power away and you give yourself away. Just don't do it. Not ever again. From now on, YOU call the shots!
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Mitochondrial Health Is a Key Countermeasure Against the Global Indoctrination Program


* In his book, “The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom,” Dr. Michael Nehls explains how chronic stress and fearmongering have led to inhibited hippocampal neurogenesis and decreased mental resilience, which facilitates indoctrination
* Your neurology is being assailed in a variety of ways that can impair your cognition. The good news is, once you understand how this is done, you can take proactive steps to protect your neurological health and in so doing “inoculate” yourself against indoctrination at the same time
* Two thinking systems exist: nonthinking (System 1) and critical thinking (System 2). Stress and poor mitochondrial health impair activation of System 2
* Lifestyle factors like having a purpose, making sure you’re getting all essential micronutrients, especially vitamin D and iodine, social connections, exercise and sleep support hippocampal neurogenesis, which is essential for lifelong neurological health
* Essential dietary factors for mitochondrial health and energy production include limiting linoleic acid intake, eating the right carbs in optimal amounts and limiting fats, and keeping your serotonin and estrogen levels low. Certain dietary supplements are also helpful

Except below from long article in link above.

[Your Mitochondrial Function Will Have Direct Impact on Your Ability to Activate System 2 Thinking
The reason you feel mentally exhausted at the end of a busy day is because your hippocampus has reached max capacity and doesn’t have the energy to handle any more information.
Well-functioning mitochondria produce energy more efficiently, which directly translates into an increased ability to use your System 2 critical thinking skills.
This is just one reason why it’s so crucial to optimize your mitochondrial health. Well-functioning mitochondria produce energy more efficiently, which directly translates into an increased ability to use your System 2 critical thinking skills. In a later section, I’ll review the most important factor for optimizing your mitochondrial energy production.]
@therighttothink50 So important! Yes!!!
ffony · M
To paraphrase your profile: I am not here for religious proselytizing. Move along.
@ffony It's good that you know what you want, so you can move along, when you see something you don't.
ffony · M
@LadyGrace Damn right.
@ffony You go, buddy! 👍

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