My year was bitter but ended in a good note
A letter to Myself
It really alot hurt in the beginning, I thought I would be in despair for a life time
But my goodness time heals
3 years of hell , It was rough Self Medicating through Alcohol and chain Smoking, I Knew it was wrong and felt really guilty with every gulp of beer and drag of cigs, but
Endless nights of crying while listening to sad songs and love songs....... I am so sorry that I neglected my self , I am sorry for abusing my body and compromising my health. I hope and pray that poison leaves my system 🙏
I am grateful to be alive and make changes. I am grateful for a new chance to live a clean sober life.
I promise to never poison you again !
Looking back now through healed eyes , all the should have's flood in,
I really could have done something to better my self but being in that state, Why did I think substance abuse was the answer??? I will never know but I can just move on and stop.
I'm proud of myself for taking care of the Debts my expensive habit created.
Very hopeful for 2024 , I just don't want to look back.
The storm passed.
I feel stronger and resilient
Rome wasn't built in a day,
I don't expect over night for everything to become balanced. I have to forgive my short comings and try my best one day at a time
Breathe when stressed and just pray through it.
He surely hurt me but I hurt myself more , I take full accountability. I refuse to blame someone from the past for my present problems!
3 years gone might take another 3 to undue all the damage. I just don't care anymore I walked out wiser along the way I learned to never depend on anyone again. But the only thing I believe in is God! Thank you God the creator for answering my every prayer for allowing me to make mistakes and not burden me in times of trouble 🙏
Please continue to bless me and I pray to never crawl back to that deep dark hell
***Forever greatful 💖 ❤ 💓 ***
Anyone going through something please trust in time! TIME HEALS 🕊🕊🕊🕊
It really alot hurt in the beginning, I thought I would be in despair for a life time
But my goodness time heals
3 years of hell , It was rough Self Medicating through Alcohol and chain Smoking, I Knew it was wrong and felt really guilty with every gulp of beer and drag of cigs, but
Endless nights of crying while listening to sad songs and love songs....... I am so sorry that I neglected my self , I am sorry for abusing my body and compromising my health. I hope and pray that poison leaves my system 🙏
I am grateful to be alive and make changes. I am grateful for a new chance to live a clean sober life.
I promise to never poison you again !
Looking back now through healed eyes , all the should have's flood in,
I really could have done something to better my self but being in that state, Why did I think substance abuse was the answer??? I will never know but I can just move on and stop.
I'm proud of myself for taking care of the Debts my expensive habit created.
Very hopeful for 2024 , I just don't want to look back.
The storm passed.
I feel stronger and resilient
Rome wasn't built in a day,
I don't expect over night for everything to become balanced. I have to forgive my short comings and try my best one day at a time
Breathe when stressed and just pray through it.
He surely hurt me but I hurt myself more , I take full accountability. I refuse to blame someone from the past for my present problems!
3 years gone might take another 3 to undue all the damage. I just don't care anymore I walked out wiser along the way I learned to never depend on anyone again. But the only thing I believe in is God! Thank you God the creator for answering my every prayer for allowing me to make mistakes and not burden me in times of trouble 🙏
Please continue to bless me and I pray to never crawl back to that deep dark hell
***Forever greatful 💖 ❤ 💓 ***
Anyone going through something please trust in time! TIME HEALS 🕊🕊🕊🕊