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The reason you feel lonely

Loneliness is not the absence of other people. Its lack of completeness of the moment. The feeling of loneliness is like a broken circle, that you can’t mend no matter what you attempt.

The truth is that we are overly reliant on others to complete our moments. What we lack is a meaning, and a purpose in life. When you find the purpose of life you become blissful. For such a person there is no loneliness, just peace and fulfilment.
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Oh this is true!

At first I felt lonely but once you get over it, spend time alone for a few years it’s not lonely, yes it would be nice to have someone. But I’m ok being on my own.

Being alone and not feeling lonely is empowering, too many rush into relationships and don’t spend quality time alone to discover themselves.
Carissimi · F
Some of my soul destroying, loneliest moments have been when I’m in a crowd of people. It’s lack of connection, and whether you find that connection with others or in some type of work or activity, or whatever brings that connection to you, without it, you may as well be drifting in outer space as the only life form in the universe because that’s what it feels like without connection.
Loneliness is not the absence of other people. Its lack of completeness of the moment. The feeling of loneliness is like a broken circle, that you can’t mend no matter what you attempt.

You had me there until how you expressed there is a truth, and defining how for such a person there is no loneliness. That's the fluff part. Anytime we try to define truth for how someone feels it will always become off the mark somehow. Humanness is too vast, even if we all search for happiness.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Lovely thoughts.
I enjoy my solitude, but I don't find solace in being alone at times. I wasn't over reliant, my family died and I plain ol miss them.
Its lack of completeness of the moment

Yes, if you are satisfied in yourself in the moment, you will enjoy your own company.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@ABCDEF7 Absolutely
Bleak · 36-40, F
Loneliness and being lonely are entirely different.
some are born to sweet delight
some are born to an endless night
Renkon · 41-45, M
@SW-User That is deep. Is it from a poem?
@Renkon it's from a doors song. Rock group from the 60's I just thought it fit I guess can't remember got distracted
Renkon · 41-45, M
@SW-User That lines are good.
It's the lack of God.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@SW-User Isn’t God everything & everywhere? So is it possible to ‘Lack’ God?
Fertilization · 36-40, F
Some find freedom in their lonelinesses.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@Fertilization I've always felt a sense of calm bliss when I'm completely alone, especially when there is lush green nature all around me. Or when I would spend time on the banks of a river or stream. Wow! I feel one with everything. I felt like I was in the company of the entireuniverse. How can we be alone then?
Lilnonames · F
I'm never lonely 😃when I'm alone
Renkon · 41-45, M
@Lilnonames That says it all. Well stated.

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