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Why do i feel so lonely. I meet people but at the end of the day i feel lonely.

I guess it's because i am getting old and i need something to rely on (just like Keane said it)
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LadyGrace · 70-79
@Number5 @riseofthemachine Sometimes we forget. I know somebody you can rely on. He is the missing piece to the puzzle of life and he's the only one that can bring real peace to our lives. He's the best friend anyone could have. His name is Jesus. He never abandons us. He never lies to us. He is trustworthy. He cares and loves us more than anyone ever could. There are simply no substitutes for Christ and what he can do in our lives. We can talk to him 24/7 if we need to. Prayer works wonders.
You’re getting old? 😂
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
There’s an old sane and you hit on it there . “ You can be around a crowd of people and still feel the loneliest person in the world “ .
Your not on your own there my friend
MazotFikri · 22-25, M
You need friends to share your bad feelings. There are 2 types of friends. Good day friend, bad day friend. A good day friend is with you when you are well. You are alone on your bad day. A bad day friend is also there to pick you up when you fall down. There is a proverb. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Something like this :)
Because none of those people meet your core needs.
Maybe you yourself haven't accepted what your core needs are.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Because it was no deep connections. Surface interactions are just temporary happiness.
ymmuyummy · 31-35, F
Haappens to me sometimes. By the end of the day, you only have yourself
Your not old at all
Your a kid yet

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