You will enjoy online better if you did not put expectation/attachments on people here.
Most people seem to just be curing their boredom, not forming connections so it's easy for them to drop this and move on to something that takes their attention better.
Most people seem to just be curing their boredom, not forming connections so it's easy for them to drop this and move on to something that takes their attention better.
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@kitkat2906 Isn't tinder for hookups? I'm not sure, I've never used it but that is what I believe it to be. They are probably not likely to hang around to make friendships.
kitkat2906 · 26-30, F
@SW-User well sometimes but it varies person by person :) to answer your question

@kitkat2906 Okay. Well just be more careful. :)
ProdigalSummer · F
Being made to feel unworthy of someone’s attention is the worst

kitkat2906 · 26-30, F
@ProdigalSummer yeah but this isn't the first time it happened i was talking to someone and i thought they were into me but then they disappeard and unadded me on snap chat so i am trying to not let it effect me
Alicehath · 61-69, F
There are a lot of people looking for people like you. Live, Love, and be yourself. Do what you like to do. I can tell your very smart. I will talk to you tomorrow.
kitkat2906 · 26-30, F
@Alicehath thanks for your spport
MrNoBody · 36-40, M
I have never ghosted someone before. Told them exactly where they could shove it certainly. But never ghosted.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
There are nice people here that can hold a conversation.
Elegy · 46-50
Expect the ghost until they prove worthy of more faith.
Resoner · 31-35, M
What do you mean by ghosted?
Ikarosswings0 · 36-40, M
@Resoner they just stop replying with no warning, no explanation, no nothing.
Resoner · 31-35, M
@Ikarosswings0 oh didn't realise people do that.. I mean, it makes sense I guess. There's people for everything

Sames. Id better be ready for Halloween. 😑
Ikarosswings0 · 36-40, M
Me too. Do you want to talk to someone who won't ghost you?
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jaymic64 · M
I know the feeling.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
Sorry this is happening.
AllelujahHaptism · 36-40, M
ditto -_-
deadgerbil · 26-30
Being ghosted is a tough pill to swallow. Terrible feeling
kitkat2906 · 26-30, F
@deadgerbil thanks for your support :) mcuh apprichiated
Prisoner619 · 26-30, M
Don't trust people too much
kitkat2906 · 26-30, F
@Prisoner619 i don't really trust anyone but my close friends

It sucks for sure

People suck