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Time / Regret

We like to think we are playing chess in our lives.
Always , planning ahead with moves.
We are at best chimps at roulette wheel.

Those plans mean so much until they don’t.
Some unforeseen circumstance delays, derails the plan.

“They “say, adversity is a great teacher.
“They” say, it makes you stronger.

If I had been stronger…been more careful with the time that I did have..perhaps, it would have made a difference.
My plan sat on a shelf.
Perhaps the scream won’t be perceived as a yawn.
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
Before my mom died I had a weird perspective about life. Hard to sum up but basically - if I make good choices, life will be good, and roll out a series of pleasant experiences till the end of my life. By then I will have done all I wanted to do, believe I have lived my life to its fullest and be at peace and ready for my time and the end of life will come as if it were wrapped in bow, neatly wrapped up and adequately prepared.

But Indeed, life is what we make it. It’s not a predictable storybook that unfolds before us as we watch and just react. Sometimes we cannot control it at all. Sure we have to make choices, sometimes hard ones but even if we make all the choices we sincerely want, sometimes even still life isn’t fair and deals us a bad hand. Maybe even more than we can handle at once. Sometimes it ends before we can ever be ready. It causes me a great deal of anxiety now that both my parents are gone. Even though they were seniors neither of them left this world willingly or prepared or feeling like the conclusion came fairly or at the right time.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
There is so much out there to distract you these days.. But having the long term goals and having someone at your side to help you lift the load, cheer you on when you get it right and guide you gently when you veer off course makes it doable..😷
Fertilization · 36-40, F
👏 👏 👏

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