Well, I wouldn't know a thing about neat writing...
But as a left hander, I would generally say a pen is a pen... comfort will be the same.
The only huge difference that I know of, is you better make sure it's a fast drying (or at minimum, not a slow drying pen)... because the left hand will get any wet ink on it and possibly mess it up.
As for kids...
One type of pen I fell in love with as a kid was erasable pens (and I couldn't find a picture of the type I used as a kid) but looks like they're only gotten more colorful and the quantity of different types has grown.
But erasable pens so you have the smoothness of a pen, but the erasability of a pencil.
Also, there is this video, which is probably too fancy... but some nice cheaper erasable pens might be nice [media=https://youtu.be/1Dpb-SDxPiA]
Haha yes i rarely ever come on here on football 🏈 days but it’s still long before the first of 3 games begin. Crazy game last night wow!! I’m fired up!! ❤️🏈🍺@Lilymoon
I hardly ever write. A career in software/hardware development will do that to you. When I use a "whiteboard', I use dry-erase markers, and on occasion. when they don't have Apple or Google pay, I will sign the check with whatever pen the wait staff hands me..
I use pilot g2 pens. They write incredibly smooth and are available in .5 mm which is important to me because I write small. Ball point pens are complete trash for me. It may be because I write with a heavy hand.