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Jarfff has a devilish thought

Dad likes me getting into Study Bibles, it gives him hope, cuz to be frank i can weird him out all the other times, but a idea came to me from the pits of Larry King's armpits, that if i do the SB's i can even things out by playing hookie from church.

Damn that thought, get thee behind me Larry King!!

We have some gift cards at Boston Pizza which we're planning to use after the gathering of the faithful. FOOD is the answer to so many of life's problems, eh??
Nice, I only have one study bible I use daily- The Reformation Study Bible.

Which study bible/s do you use?

Pizza after Church sounds great, who's going?
@MrGumHead Also, have a great time with your dad, I love eating out!
MrGumHead · 46-50
@BritishFailedAesthetic Thanks! Well i hear about these great products from watching YouTubers who talk about study bibles, i see a niche group of classics, and hit it out of the ballpark tomes, and i get the collectin' buzz!!
@MrGumHead Matthew Everhard springs to mind!
bookerdana · M
But Larry King!!???😱
MrGumHead · 46-50
@bookerdana He's a whatchamacallit when i mask those messages shuttling through from the subconscious.
bookerdana · M
@MrGumHead Maguffin.....never mind King has given me PTSD

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