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i dont think my life is worth livng

may 9th 2023. at 2:38pm after school when i was in detention. my boyfriend broke up with me, he said he would stay. but he left me all alone. i was in tears for the past 4 days and i dont know what to do anymore. he was my last hope, my last chance. i gave him everything, i made sure he was okay. i didnt get anything in return.
i see him matching with some girl now and i started crying all over again over a boy who didnt care ab me even though he acted like it but it was all an act. how can he move on that quick when i cant even move on.
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riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Your in pain cause you gave him everything ' You had self esteem issues starting off before you met him and then gave him everything hoping he'd stay to make you more secure in yourself .
Now since he's gone your in pain back to your self esteem issues about yourself .
Welcome to the club . See you wouldn't realise it until your out of it until reality will hit you with a lot of pain .
I never realized it until a bad break up until i was out of it and Yes you would feel suicidal. I was for a year and a half .
That was 14 years ago and up to this day im single still . Much happier cause now all i have to deal with is my own madness instead of another persons madness .
Your lucky that happened you at an early age cause you grow from that pain .
I was 30 when it happened me and guess what a pysche ward for 6 weeks after the break up cause i ended up getting destroyed from it but now im 42 and looking back it now it was the best thing that ever happened me cause i don't depend on anyone now for my happiness , opinions about me , views about me .
I mean nothing do u know what the best thing about it was i got closet to God over all the pain i went through , and you said it yourself , not pointing it out to you cause i was the same I'M NOTHING WITH OUT GOD .
Be grateful at your age this happened you cause you'll grow like a flower now .
You'll get to a point were you won't even want a relationship and everyone can have relationships around you and it won't bother you .
Be grateful . You should say Thanks in your own mind
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@ajdesire I didn’t mean to hurt u . It’s just an experience I had .
I was saying it to u cause you could save yourself a lot of pain .
I hope your ok
ajdesire · 16-17, F
@riseofthemachine it hurt me in a way where i cried. reading through that entire thing. its okay, i dont care if im okay or not, but thanks for telling me your experience i appreciate it
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@ajdesire you be fine . Your at an age now where life is only beginning .
Here’s a tip for you .
Don’t be afraid of life or else life will make you afraid of yourself
saintsong · 41-45, F
Thats why God commands us to worship Him and Him alone with all of our hearts all of our minds and all of our souls and to love your neighbor like you love yourself...You put him in Gods place that is idolatry and no he cannot save you only God can! God is close to the broken hearted He promises to never leave you nor forsake you! Maybe try leaning on Him and only Him for He will send you the comforter the Holy Spirit who will be in you and upon you....Give faith a fighting chance and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and watch and see what He can do! GOD BLESS YOU CHILD!
Heartbreak can make you wish for death but you can survive and live a better life and find a better bf.. just breathe .. and listen to good music for now.. forget him.. i know its hard but you can do it 🤐😳 you can live a life worth living.. just give yourself time.. you're still way young.. he's not the last boy on earth.. believe me
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Guess you got lucky. Imagine if you'd gotten pregnant by him and he did that! There are a lot of much nicer guys out there that feel like they don't have a chance being friends with a girl. Might want to try being friends with one. He won't be flashy, rich, or an athelete but he'll probably open the door for you.
"i didnt get anything in return. "
Well, you certainly fooled yourself in this story. Now chin up. Most of us have been there. We learn through it and lose our wide-eyed outlook.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
He can move on because he had time to mentally prepare as the one breaking up, you were blindsided on the otherhand
SnowedIn · 46-50, M
Your life is worth living. Your situation sucks, that's true. But life is still with living. I understand the soul crushing heart shattering hurt of what he did and seeing him -- but life is still worth living
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
Monalisaa1986 · 36-40, F
I don’t think my life is worth living but I have no choice but to live it

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