daddybloke · 46-50, M
lifes too short for what ifs and wished i had tried, go and do it and either love it or maybe not at least you will know either way, in todays society its no biggie
HumanEarth · F
I say go find out what your curious about. What better way to learn about yourself is though curiosity.
Curiosity is the essence of human existence. ‘Who are we? Where are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?’… I don’t know. I don’t have any answers to those questions. I don’t know what’s over there around the corner. But I want to find out.
Curiosity is the essence of human existence. ‘Who are we? Where are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?’… I don’t know. I don’t have any answers to those questions. I don’t know what’s over there around the corner. But I want to find out.
TaraNice · 36-40, F
Go on, do it!
Aysel · F
Is it as a result of the lack of attention you receive from men? No shade intended.
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
Girls do be pretty
Frostcloud · F
@JRVanguard its true (♡´艸`)
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
It's pretty typical these days so might as well 🤷
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
I recommend it .
I used to feel that way, now I want a whole relationship with a girl lol the older I get the more drawn I am to women. Men have confused me for far too long.
exchrist · 31-35
Do it.
SomeMichGuy · M
What a surprise... 😉
HobNoblin · 36-40, M