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UK people who do you want to win the next election?

Sunak or Starmer? Sunak is too skinny if you ask me if be surprised if he he could do a single press up but I was brought up to distrust labour so I guess I won't vote this time.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
It's a question of priorities.

All three major parties see their priorities differently which explains why they're not connecting with 90% of the public who have had to endure everything from 'Austerity' under George Osborne to whatever the hell Jeremy Hunt thinks he's been doing to 'stabilise' the economy during his tenure.

In terms of economics it's the same song played differently in the hope of change for the better.

But as one radio vox popper pointed out yesterday
Hope isn't going to pay the mortgage nor make my salary go further.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
@Picklebobble2 What's worth noting is that the elephant in the room, which appears to have loudly defecated, aka Brexit, is being studiously ignored by the major parties. Which is one reason I won't be viting for any of them. And before anyone says rejoining can only happen when the EU allows it I am fully aware of that. However, being honest about the economic and social disaster it has been and laying out a path to rejoin would be welcome. Instead the main parties are in thràll to a minority of bigots.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@22Michelle Truth is whether in or out we as a nation can't compete.
We don't engineer anything.
We don't produce anything you can't get cheaper and better elsewhere in Europe.
And it's been that way since the old Common Market morphed into the EU.

So IF we consider trying to get back in it'll be for the allowances we can claim for rather than cheaper imports from fellow states i think.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
@Picklebobble2 Whikd you may gave a point everything you list as a weakness is magnified when we're out of the EU. It was the most stupid decision ever by a British Government- I don't say by the British electorate as only 37% of that electorate voted leave. No sane Government would ever have enacted such a decision on that percentage of the electorate.
Honestly neither of the main two parties, they're both laughable. We have such a weak set of leading politicians at the moment. The Conservatives do deserve to lose the election and they will. Labour will come to power but they'll be no better over the long term.
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22Michelle · 61-69, T
@SW-User Seriously I couldn't care less about the gender, culture, etc of the Government. My priorities are competence, rule of law, governance for the long term and equal rights for all.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
Unfortunately most of us won't get the party we'd prefer in power. It looks like a Labour walkover - though the news that Sunak's childhood was spent in the horrific deprivation of not having Sky TV may just turn things around........what an absolute tool!
Persephonee · 22-25, F
@22Michelle Let's be honest - not having to watch Sky is itself a privilege
smiler2012 · 56-60
@22Michelle 😆makes your heart bleed does it not for poor sunak lol i think not
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Persephonee 😆agree i do not have or would ever want a sky dish
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Interesting how today many respected economists have analysed Sunak's numbers and commented that it makes the assumption that current fiscal conditions don't worsen beyond .07%

So the plan to clawback from the universal credit system post election budget as he mentioned as something of an aside yesterday, probably means he didn't believe what he said himself
Richard65 · M
As Galloway says, they're both cheeks on the same backside. Starmer is purging the left and Labour is effectively Tory lite. I'm thinking of voting Green. I wouldn't vote Tory if they were holding my mother hostage.
Fairydust · F
None if I had my way! I’d sack the lot of them! Voting is an illusion.

Only way out of this mess is to remove them all, we pay them, they’ve become so corrupted, most of the people just go along with it all. 🙄
Fluffybull · F
I'm voting tactically to get the SNP out 👍👏👏
22Michelle · 61-69, T
@Fluffybull Is that your excuse for voting tory?
Fluffybull · F
@22Michelle Who said I was voting Tory? What an uninformed comment 🙄
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A coalition Greens and Liberals There are a lot of us about.
I can't vote, but if I could maybe I would vote for......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... one
smiler2012 · 56-60
@IndigoSavage 😆as irrelevant as what exercise sunak can or cannot do i think the issue is who can you trust too run the country better lol
22Michelle · 61-69, T
@smiler2012 Based on the evidence of the last 14 years that rules out Sunak, and indeed the entire tory party!
smiler2012 · 56-60
@22Michelle i agree never have or never will be a fan or ever would vote for the tories
22Michelle · 61-69, T
@smiler2012 I'm the same, but even compared to previous incarnations of the Nasty party the tories of the last 14 years have gone from just economically incompetent and corrupt to utterly incompetent, truly evil and totally corrupt. I thought Cameron would be the worst ever PM, but they've "bettered" that four times!
ArtieKat · M
"Whichever party you vote for, the government always gets elected" -anon
Katie01 · F
Usually vote Tory but I can't stand that paki so probably just won't bother voting at all
Gemma90 · F
Wors skinny got to do
Gemma90 · F
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@Thodsis They are all rich
Thodsis · 51-55, M
@SW-User That's not an unfair point to make.

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