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One of the scariest things I ever witnessed growing up.

Some of you may already know I didn't exactly have an easy time growing up and was subjected to a lot of crap from an early age. I heard a song earlier that made me remember this because it was the song playing while it happened. My dad had his stupid friends over. Bunch of loud sloppy drunks. I remember one guy hit my dad over the head with a glass bottle breaking it on top of his head. My dad freaked out and in return whipped a bottle at that guys head but it missed. They began fighting and arguing more and his friend got him down by the fireplace and he picked up the poker like he was going to stab him but ended up doing nothing. I remember watching that horrified absolutely glued in place unable to move. I don't think anyone saw me but I swore I thought someone was going to die that night.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
That is a very nerve wracking incident I agree. I hope your dad was ok?
violentred · 26-30, M
@Coralmist I think he just got a black eye out of the deal. Next day they were friends again.

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