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I'd Rather Stay Home Alone Than Going Out

I don't understand the general idea of going out. Or maybe it's some people who don't understand that going out is not for everyone and it's not a crucial element of a human's life. I've actually been kind of socially "bullied" about not being very outgoing. I admit it- I always spend the best quality time with myself, I value reading, chatting, watching movies, writing, or even playing video games much more than spending time in loud places full of smoke, where you abuse both your liver and wallet at the same time. I don't believe that pubs and such are a good place to meet new people- no, I don't think it's impossible to meet someone valuable there, but absolutely nothing in the Universe is impossible, some things are just extremely unlikely, as the physicists say. :) I'm also annoyed when people suggest that single folks should hang out in bars, pubs in clubs in order to find their significant others! I just can't understand:
a) since when is dating more deadly serious regular hunting? It's like the hunter hanging out in the animal's natural habitat trying to spot it and... well, kill it.
b) how on Earth a dude who spends his time and money in a pub, doing pretty much nothing, and waiting for pretty much nothing more than a liver failure, could be my Mr. Right?! I'd rather stay single.

Keep calm and be completely unsociable. <3
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I'm the same. I have a couple of friends who it seems that if they don't go out to the clubs or get wasted almost every weekend then their weekend was a big waste. But after a few years of dealing with the constant "omg girl how are you gonna meet someone if you don't go out?!" or "seriously??? You're just gonna stay home again??" I just gave up and accepted the fact that I'm just not a party animal. I've also learned that the people who criticize you for the way you enjoy your free time are usually not the ones who stick around as a close friend. My closest and good friends know not to get me involved in plans that deal with clubbing and they'll mention it to me but never force it upon me to join.
Beebo · M
I love staying home. And when I do go out, it's to fun places like the beach, mountain cruises, amusement parks, especially cooking out, etc. I don't drink, I don't do weed, or any drug at all. I love my home life, staying single, and I think life is great!
liver regens, and that's pretty sad. it's just to socialize is all, all though i don't really agree with spending money either but sometimes you just gotta do it if you got buddies :p.
Could you please add me? I would like to converse with you about this on a deeper level of agreement since i honestly feel the same way.
hey gorgeous i fully agree
staying in is much better even more so with someone who thinks the same :)
:-) add me
I was bullied often about it, or maybe bullied is not the right word, but I was regularly pressured into going out and socialising. Being made to feel embarrassed about what I actually liked to spend my time doing.
For years I felt bad about who I was and kept trying to "fix" myself, but gradually I just started to get fucked off with the world and the people in it, and gave the world the finger.
I'm a lot more comfortable about who I am now that I've stopped trying to fit in and conform to people's expectations of me.
I must admit though, there are often times when I wish I had someone to just go out with and do random shit. But the trouble I have with friends is that they become too much work for me and I just end up feeling inconvenienced by them.
I guess I still have some figuring out to do.
ListenerTalker · 31-35, F
Oh, I understand. Sometimes I see people hanging out with their friends and I'm like "that would be cool", but 3 seconds after that I'm over the idea of socializing. People fail very often and being disappointed yet another time is always hurtful.
I really REALLY wanted to go to SOE live this year in Vegas (I've never been to anything like that) but I was reluctant to try it alone.
I think next year I'll do it though
ListenerTalker · 31-35, F
Go and have fun! :)
Yes, I get that also. People expect me to have some kind of crazy social night life. Quite the contrary. I almost have to be dragged out of my house. Not to mention all the money wasted on over priced drinks and cover charges. No thank you.
Susan Cain - Quiet: Introverts in a world of people that can't stop talking... check that out. :)
me too ^_^ me too :-(
That's so true

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