My father has made it clear that I am not permitted to get the oil changed in my car.
I am 600 miles overdue for a change, but he says we can't afford it. So I guess I can't drive.
I canceled the writing group I go to every Thursday night, and a date I had tomorrow that I was excited about, but afraid to say anything about for this very reason. Tried to cancel my doctor's appointment tomorrow, but I couldn't get a hold of my doctor, so I guess I'll have to drive to that and take a chance on my engine not blowing.
The topper to all this? My dad won't believe me that it's critical to change the oil. He wants me to get an expert opinion. Because my opinion isn't good enough.
It doesn't matter. Nothing does. Nothing but what he wants matters. We can't even pay our trash bill, because he won't let us. We've been burning trash in the front yard like some kind of hillbillies. He doesn't care. And just now, when I told him that, he had the sheer audacity to ask me why I'm persecuting him.
I canceled the writing group I go to every Thursday night, and a date I had tomorrow that I was excited about, but afraid to say anything about for this very reason. Tried to cancel my doctor's appointment tomorrow, but I couldn't get a hold of my doctor, so I guess I'll have to drive to that and take a chance on my engine not blowing.
The topper to all this? My dad won't believe me that it's critical to change the oil. He wants me to get an expert opinion. Because my opinion isn't good enough.
It doesn't matter. Nothing does. Nothing but what he wants matters. We can't even pay our trash bill, because he won't let us. We've been burning trash in the front yard like some kind of hillbillies. He doesn't care. And just now, when I told him that, he had the sheer audacity to ask me why I'm persecuting him.