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And then, almost immediately after I wrote my last update, it culminated in a screaming match.

Because my dad kept insisting that he did believe me, but he wanted me to verify. Which is a way of saying he doesn't believe me, but with extra steps.

He seems to think that by admitting he doesn't believe me, that will somehow make things better. It doesn't. It just means he doesn't believe me and he's a lіаr.

And then, on top of not believing me and not wanting to admit he didn't believe me, he kept just talking about how to get estimates from the various companies, and what information I was authorized to give them. This absolute refusal to listen and continued pushing for an action I felt was unnecessary finally broke me.

I really did try not to lose my temper. I did. But he legitimately doesn't get it. And so I started yelling and screaming. Because there's only so far I can be pushed before I do that.

And what did he say once he had finally provoked me to the point that I was yelling at the top of my lungs?

Did he apologize for getting me that mad?

No. Of course not.

His exact words were, "You're going to get Mom all upset. Don't you ever think of her?"

Yeah. There was almost an assault.

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