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I Will Tell You 10 Things About Me

1.I love my dog a lot, he changed my life for the better when he came along. When my kids are with their dad, he is my company and a great source of cuddles. His enthusiasm for everything makes my day brighter.

2.I've always had a thirst for knowledge. Human behaviour, psychology, consciousness, biology...I just like to know how things work and why they work that way. Because I'm always taking in new information, I don't tend to stay stuck to ideas or ideologies for too long.

3.I used to be very firmly atheist but now I just don't know...simple as that. That does not mean that I am open to being indoctrinated as I am pretty sure that nobody knows for sure what it going on here. I've listened to ideas from all different directions and points in history and my conclusion has just been "hmm, interesting". It would be nice if people could stop killing each other over which idea is best.

4.If you made it through the last paragraph without taking it personally or being butthurt then we could probably be friends :) I love open mindedness, people who can listen to points of view without feeling the need to attack or force theirs on top. An idea is not part of you, there is no need to defend it like it's your first born. An idea can't be hurt just because someone disagrees with it.

5.I meditate every day. It took practise but now when I do it, it's like getting a hug. There is a lot to be said for clearing your mind, it creates space for useful ideas and answers to problems. A brain is like a stomach, put nothing but rubbish into it and it's not going to work well for you.

6.I haven't had an easy past. I was in therapy for years, it didn't really change much. I was diagnosed with PTSD, depression and anxiety and for a long time I wanted to die every day. I reached the end of what I was offered by the medical profession and decided it was time to find my own solutions. Since then I have changed my diet, started going to the gym every week, got a dog, started taking supplements, micro-dosed psilocybin (magic mushrooms) and practised mindfulness and meditation. I am a very different person today both mentally and physically.

7.I love making art, painting, sculpting and digital art. Digital is my current favourite, I like to make trippy pictures from the photos I take while I walk the dog in the woods. I have an album here if you are curious...well you got this far..

8.I make a lot of jokes and use a lot of sarcasm. Having a sense of humour gets me through the day and is ESSENTIAL for making it on this planet. If you look at life like it's a joke someone is playing on you then it's easier to let things slide. This quote from Bo Burnham sums it up nicely for me "Tragedy will be exclusively joked about..because my empathy is bumming me out. Goodbye sadness, hello jokes."

9.I form very deep connections with people but I am not one of those friends who wants to talk every day. In fact I may disappear for a month..maybe two, at a time. The only people who last with me are usually people who are the same in that respect. I'm lucky enough to have a few of those around me and I care for them very much.

10.I am in a long distance relationship. Past issues have made that a safer option for me at times. It's not easy, we've definitely had our ups and downs but stuck it out because we're important to each other. Being mentally and emotionally present in a relationship is absolutely key (no matter the distance), if you stop doing that then you will drift and once you drift too far it's almost impossible to save. I've made a lot of mistakes in relationships up to this point and I'm doing my best to avoid those same pitfalls this time around. Edit: we were important to each other until he decided to lie and make me feel like I couldn't trust my own gut feeling. And that, is the end of that.
GLITTER · 36-40, F
I'm very similar to you especially on number 8 & 9.

With friendships, I am the same, I'm not a person who will sit there and talk on the phone or whatsapp for hours on end. It's not that i don't care, I would help any one of my friends and be there at the drop of a hat, but I'm a slightly awkward person in regard of conversations, I'm ok once I know people but to start with I'm nervous, so I'm happy with friends who are the same and ones I could sit in a room with for hours and not feel awkward in the silence. But then again in this day and age all people waffle on about is crap. I'd rather have a rich and valuable conversation or be sat in silence rather than have a conversation about celebs and shit like that.
tiggerandariel13 · 41-45, MVIP
[@coldchild do you have boys or girls
ZenKitzune · F
@tiggerandariel13 my kids? both.
GLITTER · 36-40, F
@ZenKitzune i prefer a simple life, I'm not into any of that drama either! 😊
Nat15 · F
Thanks for sharing that. You s eem like a nice, creative, thoughtful person. SW could use a lot more people like you 🤗
ZenKitzune · F
@Nat15 That's very kind of you to say 🤗
Nat15 · F
@ZenKitzune You're welcome. Just seems like the truth. 🤗
Wow, does thinking of nothing and staring into the middle distance count as meditation?
@ZenKitzune Oh....we part at this point in SW identity I'm afraid, but I guess you won't care either. Never mind, good post. 😊
ZenKitzune · F
@SW-User wouldn't call it my identity, I just prefer to live and let live.
@ZenKitzune sry similarities!
I like your 3. My turning point was in a discussion with a vicar when I was in my atheist rant about how all religions were so arrogant saying their's was the only true way etc. How could we be so arrogant sitting on our little planet in the milky way.

He just said "How do you reconcile your arrogance in stating so clearly there is no God?" That hit me! So I'm an agnostic now
walabby · 61-69, M
@ZenKitzune The possibility that there is some sort of a God is much more likely than it being the Judaeo/Christian model...
ZenKitzune · F
@walabby I'm not about to adhere to anyone else's idea of what God is.
walabby · 61-69, M
@ZenKitzune GOOD FOR YOU!!!! :D
daydeeo · 61-69, M
Hi. I really enjoyed your post. Rather than saying "Oh, we're so much alike", or whatever, I'll just leave you with one of my favorite quotes: "Humanity is a parade of fools. And I am at the front of it, twirling a baton."
Congratulations, btw, on finding your own way out of your personal quagmire. I really respect that.
ZenKitzune · F
@daydeeo Thank you, I really appreciate you saying so. Great quote btw :)
Gr8Guy1979 · 41-45, M
Great sharing thank you I used to be an atheist but my mind and heart changed anyways thank you so much for sharing your experiences
Gr8Guy1979 · 41-45, M
@ZenKitzune I hope I did not say something wrong I’m sorry
ZenKitzune · F
@Gr8Guy1979 Yes I think I know what you're saying. There is a kind of constant love, you don't need to go searching for it outside of yourself. There is a lot of safety in that.
Gr8Guy1979 · 41-45, M
@ZenKitzune well thank you great minds have good thoughts and good heart to love the broken people
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ZenKitzune · F
@cashless 🤗
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Now it actually feels I know you a little better. Thanks for sharing
ZenKitzune · F
@Gangstress I usually shy away from these things because I feel like I change my mind a lot or I just don't want to be seen a certain way.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@ZenKitzune what i learnt from you is that each day is a lesson and to keep your mind open . What I could believe could change tomorrow from knowledge.

I respect that
ZenKitzune · F
@Gangstress 🤗 that makes me really happy to hear.
Thingschange4444 · 56-60, M
Geeesus you almost sound like the mirror image of me. Lol
ZenKitzune · F
@Thingschange4444 It's nice to find a reflection in things :)
Thingschange4444 · 56-60, M
@ZenKitzune Sure is. Real depth is hard to find.
Blushark · M
Were you on EP? You seem so a nice way. 😉
ZenKitzune · F
@Blushark yeah but I was kuronekko there
Blushark · M
I do remember you. ❤
This is probably the most thoughtful “10 things” I have read on SW.
ZenKitzune · F
@SW-User Well thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to read.
Mmiker · 46-50, M
You have a beautiful list here very well expressed. Beautiful soul.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
A sense of humour goes a long way with me. ;)
ZenKitzune · F
@Degbeme me too lol 😋
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
Excellent list- lovely soul.. 😊😊
ZenKitzune · F
@SoggedNapped Thank you, it's a work in progress..the soul that is :)
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
@ZenKitzune I don’t think the work really ever ends- and that’s a good thing...
Bean17 · 46-50, F
You and I sound very similar in a lot of ways.😊🤗
ZenKitzune · F
@Bean17 I've always seen a bit of myself in you lol
antonioio · 70-79, M
Your an alright person
Hang in there ☺
ZenKitzune · F
@antonioio Thank you :)
I'm hoping to get a new dog soon
walabby · 61-69, M
That's all pretty cool... :)
melbeacher · 56-60, M
You sound great to me !!!
Tres13 · 51-55, M
ZenKitzune · F
@Tres13 😁
kush90 · 26-30, M
😫😫😫 what are you talking, dogs are dangerous
ZenKitzune · F
@kush90 post traumatic stress syndrome
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ZenKitzune · F
@Swann real special.
justmemyselfandme · 51-55, M
Ok I made it all the way... but I read through the lines. Does that count ?
ZenKitzune · F
@justmemyselfandme through the lines?
justmemyselfandme · 51-55, M
Lol.. speed read...
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ZenKitzune · F
@Swann you weirdo
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ZenKitzune · F
@Swann I doubt that very much lol

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