As a tiktok comment section would say
Dayum, #needthat, #bringthatovahere, I am on my knees for this, lyrics what I’m boutta do to it, okay guys who took my pants, both of them getting it tn, oh i’ve got NOTHING respectful to say, my fyp when I’m hungry, fine shyt was made with patience and passion 😩🙌🏼, the audio is us going at it btw, all over my fyp but not me, I’m not Cinderella but I know it fits, raw raw rasputin or whatever that song is, did I place this brick am I bricked, "get a load of these two" OH IM TRYINGGG, yeah I give up on trynna find something normal to say, ain't no one looking at clifford the big red cat, “You coming?” Yeah on the screen catch!, screaming with the s, slow and deep, drop them drawls