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Homeless Woman Rejects The Drink Cup I Got Her

I was at Panera's Bread earlier today and a homeless woman was sitting by the door behind me. She had a small dufflebag and a sleeping bag on top, nicely stacked, and was coughing. The sleeping bag wasn't a winter one so she will likely freeze to death this winter.

I noticed she wasn't eating or drinking, wasn't by a table, just a chair by the door charging a phone a distance from her. I was debating getting her something, and remembered as a member of the Sips Club (I pay $15 a month for) I could get unlimited drinks hot or cold, but had to say either a hot or cold cup in advance and can't get the other unless I wait 1 1/2 hours, which was about the time I would be leaving.

I figured the cold cup would be best as it had the most choices, some of the fruity teas had 200-300 calories in them, she could have any fountain drink, water, or cold coffee.

So I got her the cold cup, and handed it to her, and she said no thanks, she didn't drink cold drinks.


It was a clean cup, ahe had plenty of time to eye my table as she was facing me the whole time, so she knew I wasn't drinking out of it. Having that cup even if not thirsty meant she could sit around till closing at a acrual table charging her phone in a socket next to her....

Whatever. It wasn't really charity as it was free to give away. She is probably still sitting there with nothing. Had I gotten her a hot drink, it would of merely dehydrated her.

Wish her a long life, but 50-50 chance she will be dead within two months, unless she starts walking south now. The Mason Dixie line is about 1 1/2 hours drive south of here, and it still snows three hours driving south of that.
As generous as giving something is, I can understand why a woman wouldn't wanna take a drink from a man she doesn't know.
I can only imagine the risks she's been exposed to being on the streets
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Sorry to hear that. Similar has happened to me...
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Many people see her as prey she needs to be safe. It sucks when you want to help but think of what she's been through to earn that distrust.
I doubt she feels safe accepting a drink from a stranger especially if you’re male, however honest your intentions were. It seems like you have this expectation that she should have been grateful?
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Motzu You could have offered her a $20 bill so that she would have had the power to buy what she wanted.
@Diotrephes No I couldn't. I live in a minivan and am about to lose my job due to seasonal decline of customers. I need every last dollar.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
No I couldn't. I live in a minivan and am about to lose my job due to seasonal decline of customers. I need every last dollar.

Sorry for your situation.

Have you noticed how bad things are getting for highly educated professional people? For instance, the large drug store chains are closing thousands of their stores. Can you imagine spending years to become a pharmacist and now you will soon be unemployed because there is no place for you to get a job in that profession? And imagine all of the store managers who have lost their jobs or will soon lose them. And that doesn't include all of the staff people.

I've been very fortunate. I haven't worked since August, 2005. There was time when I was working but had no disposable money. At that time I was a poor money manager and had too many open credit cards. Once I got rid of almost all of them my situation started to improve. Today, everything I have is fully paid for and I just use one credit card for all expenses and then all I have to do is just one money transfer once a month instead of having to write countless checks.

The best thing you can do is to establish a good budget so that you can keep track of your money.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I used to pass out Mickey D's gift cards. Verbal abuse gets old. I don't care if someone wants booze or weed. I'm not paying for theirs.
No good deed goes unpunished
being · 36-40, F
Go again and try a hot drink...
caccoon · 36-40
Sometimes if you're starving, you do not want to eat. Especially if you're extremely anxious etc.

Also, there is the factor of drugs which make people not want to eat. Many of the homeless here do not take food or drink when it is offered to them. Or, they will take it and leave it on the sidewalk.

It's often that they just don't want anything
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HobNoblin · 36-40, M
@windinhishair That's your brain talking. It's called having commie brain. It makes you spin everything to hear what you want. It'll do other things too. One of the worst symptoms is supporting Kamala Harris for president. My suspicion is there's a Harris sign in your yard right now.
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SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

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