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How's Your Credit?

Do you feel you get the credit you deserve , for all that you do, good or bad?

and did you honestly think i was asking about your actual credit $ score ? 🤔 Pleeease!!! Give me a lil 🤏 more credit than that 🤭
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Not sure… I often feel I’m not appreciated for all the things I do (from certain people), but then again I suppose it balances out because I have done plenty of shitty things in my life and yet my life is filled with a lot to be grateful for.

Also I’m probably not the best to judge what/how much credit I should get for things I do, it would be akin to a student being allowed to grade their own work. Nobody in that scenario would give themselves a failing grade, methinks 🤔

I suppose it doesn’t matter in the end, I know how hard I work, and although a pat on the back once in a while would be nice, I am sure having all my screwups and shortcomings put on blast would suck 🤷🏻‍♀

Ramble over haha
MoodysGoose · 51-55, M
@WaryWitchWandering i dont think it's a crime to self assess our personal worth, but it's true, most of us will struggle to accurately add up our debits as well as our credits, and so it's always a good idea to outsource an unbiased opinion if we want a more accurate calculation. However, dont let anyone underestimate your worth, especially yourself.

You seem to have a firm handle on who you are, and i am sure you deserve more credit than you get, and im sorry im not in a position to grant you all of it, but i would like to extend some credit on your behalf for your thoughtful response to my post, and here's hoping you get more credit going forward for all you do .
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
My credit was very good when I went to the can. But my roommate drove it through the floor. Failing to take care of any of the bills, they let everything go into collections on purpose. Then let people in to destroy the house, and on top of that used a legal loophole in Florida to take possession of a car that I paid for right now I'm trying to rebuild
exexec · 61-69, C
I probably get more credit than I deserve.
MoodysGoose · 51-55, M
@exexec im sure thats not the case, but i appreciate your humbleness
meJess · F
Not sure how much credit I deserve, Nina works a lot harder, and is content to be saved the bacon ends.
Subalugirl · 22-25, F
more than the average
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
The last time I checked my credit score was 761. It had gone down 10 points. Their reason was I hadn't opened any new lines of credit in a while.
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MoodysGoose · 51-55, M
@HumanEarth sorry to hear about the job 😳

On the other hand, it sounds like you deserve a lot of credit , and for one hope you get it

and ill keep you in mind bud

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