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One’s true self.

It doesn’t matter what you’re known for even if it’s something bad. Be grateful that people care enough to know you at all.

Don’t feel bad if someone criticizes you. Take it as some supportive observations.

Be excited when fear has you, it’s the best indicator you’ll ever have of an opportunity to grow as a person.

As you grow old in age, if you stay young at heart, you will feel youth your entire life.

Don’t be upset over a defeat. It’s not about winning. Victory is achieved by defending things that are important to you.

Who you lose someone you love, know that they will live on in you so long as you continue to fight for their beliefs you also held in their death.

When sadness takes you, be happy that something could make you so sad. The heart is made to suffer because that shows you what matters. It is fortunate to have precious things worthy of this sacrifice in us. It is proof of our continued and now deepened love. In this meaning, where you find the positive in the negative, that is where you’ll discover your true self.

I could go on as what I’m saying applies to every single experience in life which may break you down. In each of those examples I gave an easy scenario in which the world may define us, but I then demonstrated how with enough strength of character, you may define the world instead.

From the very moment you’re born the world will challenge you with pain attempting to decide everything you are. It is through the development of your own self worth may you prevail over this.

With the right perspective that comes from a real sense of self, you will overcome anything. Even turning your very own weaknesses into sources of personal strength. In this you will succeed no matter what since every failure can come only come from a loss of self.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Very interesting points. I was literally just reading in two different books, nonetheless, (self help books) that pain , anxiety etc. is not something to reject or run from... that only intensifies it. It is actually there to HELP us. I had never truly viewed it that way. Anxiety , as much as it hurts and it feels AWFUl inside, is an alarm saying...' Oh my friend, something is off, ' whether it is a belief that is untrue (but you think is true), or a worry you have etc. It is there to alert us, and is a smart thing in and of itself, b/c it is our mind and body trying to protect itself. BUT, it doesn't know when to turn that dial down sometimes. And that is when WE have to take the reigns and say, 'I've got it now, but thank you' (to the pain, or anxiety etc.) That is too ironic you wrote this piece, b/c I had just read on this issue twice. Thanks.🪻
being · 36-40, F
@Coralmist you're beautiful inside and outside, I'm sorry for the awkward comment but it just felt right to say
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@being Ty so much being✨🪻
I always thought everything to be a lesson

then came the day that I said..I've had enough lessons
and that's enough torture
life, plz let me be

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