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I Hate Everyone Around Me

I hate my mom and my teacher. Because they all complain about me and I'm tired of it. I'm sick and tired of being disrespected by everybody. I'm going to end my life if this keeps going on.

People can just come up to me a put there hands on me because they know i can't fight back.
I feel like i have to rely on medication. It's exhausting. I'm sick of living.
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
Are they truly narcissists, or are they trying to help you mature and evolve into a better person?
Change might not be fun but it is necessary to a person's development. Too many ppl get the attitude that they don't need to change for anyone, when they should be maturing/changing as they become adults.

Something to think about.
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
You’re pretty angry and sounds like you have a valid reason to be. You’re old enough to make changes in your life for you. Start by looking for a different place to live to get away. Well maybe finish grade 12? first then move out. I moved out at 16 1/2 to get away from my mum.
AJ023 · M
I hope you feel better
Classy · 22-25, FVIP
I don’t mean to come off bad, but what is medically restraining you?

I feel resentment’s in your post, which I think is obvious. But why?

Are they trying too much and in turn it’s disrespectful?
Lostpoet · M
People are a-holes tell them not to touch you and start lifting weights and boxing or martial arts.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Lostpoet Do you lift weights?
Lostpoet · M
@sree251 Yep, although i'm not as strong as I was six months ago.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Lostpoet Lifting weights or bodybuilding? The are not the same thing.
gorgeousgirl · 16-17, F
RedBaron · M
I recommend heavy marijuana use. I had fun with that when I was your age and even more fun with it in college. 🤣🤣
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
U think your life is hard now. Just wait to u have to get a job and have to pay bills
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Dawgsfan3 · 41-45, M
Hope that things get better. Do your best to hang in there
AJ023 · M
Be careful. Don't red tape yourself
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