1pebbles · 56-60, F
Time has a way of paying back ... They'll remember how they treated you unfairly... Time has past and they can't make amends... And how they treated you, they may be treated the same way in the future.
Don't hold grudges, move forward and on, don't waste you're time on them. It makes you petty and stooping to their level!
Don't hold grudges, move forward and on, don't waste you're time on them. It makes you petty and stooping to their level!
crushedstrawberriess · 22-25, F
@1pebbles they were very smug in their victory, i dont think karma will visit them on this
1pebbles · 56-60, F
@crushedstrawberriess maybe not while your around. Hopefully it will come to mind and they'll be reminded of it
Convivial · 26-30, F
There's a Chinese saying..
Those that seek revenge should first dig two graves ...
I happen to believe in it... Why waste your future on them?
Being happy and successful is a pretty good outcome to aim for
Those that seek revenge should first dig two graves ...
I happen to believe in it... Why waste your future on them?
Being happy and successful is a pretty good outcome to aim for
crushedstrawberriess · 22-25, F
@Convivial you're right, and I do want to move forward and just be happy, it feels so good to finally be done, but at the same tine I worry Ill feel resentment/cowardice towards muself for letting them hurt and embarrass me
Convivial · 26-30, F
@crushedstrawberriess what you can do is maybe be more selective, more careful with people in the future... Those things of which you speak have already happened, is your choice whether you want to carry them forward with you or leave them behind.
Nothing to do with cowardice, more to do with not wasting any more time on them
Nothing to do with cowardice, more to do with not wasting any more time on them
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
walabby · M
Revenge is not standing up for yourself. Revenge is lowering yourself to their level. Revenge is prompted by hate. Hate is punishing yourself for something that someone else has done.
Just walk away and be the better person.
Just walk away and be the better person.
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
Revenge is to show them them that there is a different path then the one that they chose.
For me!
Revenge is to show them them that there is a different path then the one that they chose.
For me!
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
Nobility isn't trying to be better than the man beside you.
It is trying to be a better man than you were yesterday
Nobility isn't trying to be better than the man beside you.
It is trying to be a better man than you were yesterday
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
The best revenge that you can attain, is to become revenge itself.
Become what they were trying to keep you from becoming when they did what they did to stop your growth.
The reason they came against you then was because you had a thought, an idea, a vision for yourself. Of who you wanted to be in a future that YOU created with YOUR mind.
They did not want you to grow that future because they feared that they would have no place in it. Or they saw that they would lose the control that they had/have in your life.
So they did what they did to stop you from making your dream from becoming your reality.
You have a new dream now.
Go for it!
Make them sorry that they were right to fear your power.
Change their reality by becoming more than any one of them could dream.
I am the power behind my revenge. I am going to stop at nothing til I have made the future of my dreams.
Become what they were trying to keep you from becoming when they did what they did to stop your growth.
The reason they came against you then was because you had a thought, an idea, a vision for yourself. Of who you wanted to be in a future that YOU created with YOUR mind.
They did not want you to grow that future because they feared that they would have no place in it. Or they saw that they would lose the control that they had/have in your life.
So they did what they did to stop you from making your dream from becoming your reality.
You have a new dream now.
Go for it!
Make them sorry that they were right to fear your power.
Change their reality by becoming more than any one of them could dream.
I am the power behind my revenge. I am going to stop at nothing til I have made the future of my dreams.
crushedstrawberriess · 22-25, F
@PoeticPlay yes i agree with you, thats how I feel. Thats why i partly dont want to go thru with it bc i want to move on to better things but then im cutting them out completely so even if im doing really good it would be no karma to them bc they dont know. And they could go on to lead very great successful lives if i dont intervene and fck shit up now right?
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
Be the example of what you want to surround you.
Be the example of what you want to surround you.
GhangisKhan · 26-30, M
2 wrongs don't make a right. That phrase exists for a reason. You can convince yourself this will make you feel better by getting revenge which I have no idea what your situation is and I won't assume like I know anything about it because I don't but if I were you if it's not currently effecting you now I would just walk away and move on
crushedstrawberriess · 22-25, F
@GhangisKhan it doesnt affect me now like it did in the beginning, every now and then I'll remember what happened and feel angry then i try not to think about it and move on. I want to move on but I just worry Ill always look back and regret doing nothing, like I'll feel angry I didnt do more to defend myself to them in a few months when i look back to this
Ontheroad · M
The problem with revenge is that it never evens the score. It ties both the injured and the injurer to an escalator of pain. Both are stuck on the escalator as long as parity is demanded, and the escalator never stops.
Don't let their wrongs rent space in your head and in your life.
Don't let their wrongs rent space in your head and in your life.
TexChik · F
No dear , that’s a sign of good common sense . Revenge is something that needs never be done in the heat of passion and rage . Move on and stay away from those thoughts . 😉
akindheart · 61-69, F
let it go. let them move on. if they did that to you, they will pay. for sure. it is a given.
crushedstrawberriess · 22-25, F
@akindheart i dont think they will, karmas not fair
akindheart · 61-69, F
@crushedstrawberriess its just not in your time. hold your head up, move on and when you get happy, you will see it
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TrunkZ · 56-60, M
Be true to yourself. Your instinct to be peaceful and move on is a good one IMHO.
crushedstrawberriess · 22-25, F
@TrunkZ thank you, you dont think I look weak or like a coward? I feel like thats how they see me, that they are really smyg they got away with it bc im weak and they 'won' bc im too scared to do anything back

Not at all
It makes you a better person than the ones that have wronged you
It makes you a better person than the ones that have wronged you
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
That’s not cowardly at all! That’s the right and mature thing to do and honestly you’ll feel better for it. 🤗
kodiac · 22-25, M
One mans revenge is another mans justice
Budwick · 70-79, M
Revenge is a dish best served swiftly

akindheart · 61-69, F
@Budwick i thought the saying ended "dish served cold" 😄
bijouxbroussard · F
It takes more courage to move forward, persevere. And the very best revenge on them is you finding happiness. 🙏🏽
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
You don't need to get revenge on them. Just drop them and block them. That will piss them off real good. They cant screw with you anymore. Move on and be happy. Screw them.

No. That takes crazy strength. There’s someone out there rn that deserves my fist through their skull, but I’m done toying with the idea of burning their house down.

Be smarter
Smile & walk away
Smile & walk away

@crushedstrawberriess In who's eyes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the eyes of a loser you just smiled at ?
silent is deadly
silent is deadly
crushedstrawberriess · 22-25, F
@SW-User thank you 🥺
OogieBoogie · F
@SW-User wow man....that was nicely put !👍🙏