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Also… why didn’t the cop question me about why I rear ended that car?

No asking “have you been drinking or doing drugs” on New Years eve?

He must think I’m a nerd like the rest of you

All he did was ask if I was okay, gave me my case number and police card, and took me back to the station for my mom to pick me up.
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Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔...He could tell you were not drinking and you didn't smell of alcohol....and you probably didn't act like you were high on drugs...Unfortunately I've been in 3 accidents in the last 3 years which all were minor and the cops never asked me if I had been drinking or if i was on drugs...

Hope you're not injured...
666Maggotz · F
@Jimmy2016 the air bag hurt me more than anything. The weather was just bad and some jerk was driving with their high beams, so I couldn’t see where I was going. I wasn’t going fast. The other car looked like I hardly touched them and they just drove off like nothing happened. I wasn’t going fast. The front of my car is screwed.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
@666Maggotz Good to hear no injury to anyone! You may get a sore neck in a couple of days from whip lash, as it usually shows up 1-3 days later. Just keep an eye on sore spots. The car that rear ends the other car always gets the worse damage of either vehicle.
dale74 · M
I hope you're okay
dale74 · M
@666Maggotz get you some Aleve because if it hurts now it's going to hurt really bad tomorrow I'm guessing your car was totaled
666Maggotz · F
Mostly just the bumper and I suppose oil pan because it was leaking. It was still able to drive, because I pulled onto the side of the road, the heat, and Bluetooth was still working too. The airbag just bursted out. I was only going 40 mph but my breaks wouldn’t stop in time, because some other car flashed their high beams in my eyes and I didn’t get enough time to break when I regained my vision. @dale74
dale74 · M
@666Maggotz if we were close friends and lived anywhere near each other and I wasn't in the Bahamas right now I would offer to give you a massage just to make it feel better. But then that would probably creep you out so maybe not. Discussion airbag explosion your back is going to hurt me in your chest will still hurt believe it or not your arms are going to hurt.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
and what would your answer have been young lady?
666Maggotz · F
No. I was leaving work. @Pretzel
Teslin · M
I hope you and the car are not hurt too bad!!
DCarey · 46-50, M
He's slowly trying to get into your pants.
666Maggotz · F
@DCarey makes sense. I had a cop a couple weeks ago stop me for speeding (going 70 in a 40 zone). All he did was let me off with a warning. I feel like the cops are relaxed here 😅
dale74 · M
@666Maggotz I was a deputy sheriff I think I only wrote one ticket in 3 years. I found it hard to write a ticket to someone from doing something I do. I would always just let people off with the warning
@666Maggotz Boobs bring all the cops to the yard
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