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Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord

I messed up again. I don’t even know how many times it’s been. He’s told me over and over, "Don’t!" but I still did it. So I ran. I distanced myself from Him, out of fear, out of shame. How could I possibly face the Most Pure when I’m covered in stains?

I tried ignore the guilt, ignore His words, ignore His voice. I tried running away, but everything I saw and heard felt like Him calling me back. I tried running away and hide, shutting my eyes and ears, but even then, I could hear the beating of my own heart like His voice telling me "You still have a chance."

So, I stopped running away. I tried to take a step forward slowly... slowly... slowly closer. My head bowed to the ground, too ashamed to lift my face, yet He The All-Seeing. My voice, barely a whisper, uttered an apology, yet He is the All-Hearing. My body trembled, fearing His wrath, yet He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

O God, I fear Your wrath because I keep coming back with new sins.
O God, I am ashamed. I've been disobedient, yet You keep delaying my punishment.
O God, I was foolish to think I could hide, yet You still cover my flaws.
O God, I am weak. If You don’t help me, who else will care?
O God, I beg for Your forgiveness. if You don’t forgive me, where else can I seek forgiveness?
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LadyGrace · 70-79
I have great news for you: No matter what you’ve done, who you’ve disappointed or hurt - Jesus is eager to forgive you. Not only that, but He wants to help you live out your purpose in life with joy!

The Bible is full of people who majorly messed up. There’s even Bible verses about messing up and verses about mistakes. Thankfully, God still helped them do amazing things in life. God renews the wrong and makes it right, when we ask for forgiveness. So don't take it upon yourself to try to right your wrong. Go to God and let Him do what only He can do... and that is love you through the pain. God never stops loving you.

He doesn't look for all your faults nor does he keep record of them. He knows when we're sorry and unlike our human nature, he doesn't hold grudges. He readily forgives. We don't have to beg for mercy or forgiveness. He gives it freely. Everyone makes mistakes, but God's relationship with you is not defined by your past actions and mistakes. He's not keeping count of every little mistake. Our salvation is not determined nor based on our performance. It's based on God's eternal love for us and the work he did on the cross to save us. You must stop beating yourself up, as God not only forgives, he forgets. He removes your sins as far as the East is from the West and that is immeasurable. Beating yourself up is a waste of your Christian life and walk with God. He doesn't do beat people up for mistakes and he doesn't want you doing it. Your sins have already been paid for. You can rejoice that God loves you/us, even when we mess up. God does not define you by your past actions. When God forgives you of your mistakes, he wants you to forgive and forget them to.

A person's identity is not determined by the wrong choices or mistakes they have made in the past; God sees beyond those errors and defines a person based on their potential for growth and redemption, not their past failures. God is forgiving and does not hold past mistakes against individuals who sincerely repent and strive to do better.

A Christians true identity is found in their relationship with Jesus Christ, which transcends any past mistakes. While past mistakes don't define a person, they can be seen as opportunities to learn and grow spiritually.

There’s even Bible verses about messing up and verses about mistakes. Thankfully, God still helped them do amazing things in life.

He doesn't look for all your faults nor does he keep record of them. He knows when we're sorry and unlike our human nature, he doesn't hold grudges. He readily forgives. We don't have to beg for mercy or forgiveness. He gives it freely. Everyone makes mistakes, but God's relationship with you is not defined by your past actions and mistakes. He's not keeping count of every little mistake. Our salvation is not determined nor based on our performance. It's based on God's eternal love for us and the work he did on the cross to save us. You must stop beating yourself up, as God not only forgives, he forgets.

And isn't that amazing news for all of our Christian walks!

A Christians true identity is found in their relationship with Jesus Christ

Such a deep point that it takes a lifetime of growing in this amazing knowledge!
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
Christ bore the wrath of God so you wouldn't have to. Christ doesn't punish he forgives. As long as you ask for forgivness you shall be forgiven. That's why the poor guy died on a cross,so don't punish yourself because Christ already did.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@PinkMoon THANK YOU! Not many understand that. God doesn't beat us over the head, every time we mess up.
Christ bore the wrath of God so you wouldn't have to.

Thankyou for bringing up a point many Christians are too scared to mention!

Christ doesn't punish he forgives. As long as you ask for forgivness you shall be forgiven. That's why the poor guy died on a cross,so don't punish yourself because Christ already did.

Amen! Definitely BC here!
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
I heard a brilliant one .
When Gods seeing you hurting God is hurting 😊
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
PrayZ FoR ForgIvneSS My ChiLDZ

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