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I just want to make the world a better place

I have a dream that one day all nations kindreds Will stand together united. I want to help restore faith in humanity. I guess the person to start with is myself. In order to make an impact I must be the best. One day the sunshine, the wounded will be held, the hearts will be mended, The homeless will be sheltered. One day there will be safety. I’m one person and And many people say that I can’t do it and I’m just arrogant. But the thing is I don’t care but they don’t believe me in my dreams. I have a vision of what the world can be and I I am willing to do what I can to make an impact. For our children and our children’s children. For the generations to come. I may be one person but I can make an impact. And I will.
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A single voice is all it takes to start an avalanche... Let no one fool you into believing that you don't have the power to do great things...
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
Every single person can help to make our world a little bit better.

You are doing the right thing. 👍🤍
syfy86 · 46-50, M
I hear countless voices - most with of the best intentions - declaring what needs to be done, what needs to change, what others should do ...
I'm thankful for you for taking action. For impacting where you can. And especially for ignoring the voices who would diminish your actions. Your impact will ripple and grow. I'll try my best to follow your lead.
in10RjFox · M
It's easy to wish , dream or expect without means. As they say means to an end, you need to analyse what separates or divides people who make up nations .. understand difference between a country and a nation and find the root cause..

Your thoughts shall start progressing towards the end , which will bring about a change in you and you shall start following your thoughts.
alan20 · M
It's a noble and positive ideal. Good luck.
Indianboy · M
Very nice thoughts. May god bless you :)
Dv8rs · 18-21, F
The problem is that, greed is a terrible disease, it blindly takes more than it needs. If man can never say enough, this greed will be the death of us. I believe in you, make that change, and the children's children will erect statues of you all over the world, with a placard saying,"The one who was brave enough to stand up to evil, and change the world."
RIPKAW · 31-35, M
I have a similar dream. I don't know how I'm going to do it but I will try until the day I die
DaughteroftheMoon · 26-30, F
The world is a better place thanks to you and your attitude!😌💫
So from where you have started?
Miram · 31-35, F
Yes, you will ❤ the more people do good, the better. Don't listen to the naysayers.

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