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Too many whiny people am i right?

Look we all bitch about things we hate, i think thats normal. I bitch about my job all the time but I deal with it cause im an adult and need the money. But if youre bitching and not doing anything to improve your situation, maybe you're the problem.

I get many of you cant change your situation but many more of you can, you just convinced yourself you cant.

Hate being fat? Go to the gym and stop having mcdonalds for every meal.

Hate your job? Start looking for a new one.

I some self esteem issues myself. I hate my body and hate my teeth. I go to the gym everyday, cut out fast food and im booking appointments to get my teeth fixed. I dunno about you but i hate living in misery.

This is no different than standing up to a bully. How do you get a bully to stop? You put them in their place, show them youre not one to mess with. Except you're the bully in this case, to yourself. You wont let yourself change your life.

Good things take time. They take months, even years to come to fruition. 6 months of weight lifting and i still feel chubby but i havent stopped.
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WhateverWorks · 36-40
I kind of agree with you except that your perspective ignores that people have barriers happening behind the scenes whether that’s literal or psychological. In order for them to take the leap something has to happen to help address the barriers, often simultaneously in order for it to work, which is easier said than done if they’re running on fumes without a support system. In the States (I can’t speak for other places ) there’s this huge problem where we put everything on the individual, even their recovery. It’s like expecting someone with two broken arms to tie their shoes, so they can go jogging, so they can be in better health and be less depressed. You get my point?

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