I was almost 40 before I started loving myself. Growing up I would have people telling me that I was pretty but I never believed them. I never felt it. My mind would say what are they seeing? I'm fat, I have a big nose, my lips, eyes, breast are huge! I would hide myself I tried to make myself small but people always noticed me. Being married to a narcissist didn't help my self esteem at all either. 🙃 Then one day it just clicked. I looked in the mirror and said I am beautiful, I love my eyes, nose, lips, breast and weight regardless if anyone else felt the same. My 10 year old grandson recently told me as I was getting dressed "Nana you are so pretty." I looked at him and smiled because I believed him. 🙂 It now saddens me when someone who is actually beautiful doesn't see it for themselves. I was there. Somedays I still struggle but for the most part I am loving me. I put on that top, lipstick and whatever else I want because I am loving myself now!!!