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I feel ugly.

My classmates are so attractive and they look so fresh while here, me, i don't wear any makeup because i don't know how to and don't have any money to buy. I wanna learn how to improve myself. Yes, I do gua sha. My facial harmony is good, my skin is good, i feel like i'm not enough. I want to feel pretty again :((

Any tips, please? Hair care (i hate my hair), skin care, make-up, my skin is morena, and i am a filipino and the standards here are so HIGH. Please, any tips?
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Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I’m going to link you to a makeup tutorial on YouTube. It’s the exact same way to apply makeup that I learned and paid $$$ on a makeup course. I’ll edit this post tonight with the link. I’m just at the salon now

I’m attaching the link [media=]
mooncrest02 · 31-35, F
You can still have a nice natural glow without makeup. Keep doing the gua sha and moiturize daily, curl your lashes even without mascara just curl them daily and use lip gloss or lip tint, and put a lil lip tint on the eye lids too.
We all go through that, especially in gradeschool and highschool. I got to the point where I just didnt care about them. Thats doesnt mean I accepted my looks, it just meant I started dealing with other things.

I promise, itll get better.
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
Sorry you feel this way. I’m not sure. I don’t know what you look like.
what makes you pretty is your personality , not a bunch of make up,,

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