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Do you ever think back to your past and think

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Just sharing a random thought ..

How could I be so stupid ? How could I let that happen? Did I lose all sense of reality ? What was I thinking? And other such questions to ask yourself...ugh ...wtf was wrong with me? There's no undoing or unsaying things ...that does not exist ...

It helps to be more self aware and aware of your actions and that they have lasting consequences....Lessons are learned ...to always be intentional in those actions ..and to be fully present in that moment...

Moving forward ...
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SaorUladh · 26-30, M
A man once told me:

"You made the decisions you made back then based on your circumstances, the information you had and who you were at the time. Don't judge yourself too harshly because you know better now."

I know you said we don't need to comment but I thought that might be relevant.
@SaorUladh Thank you for the insight it's appreciated
I know you said no need to comment, but i think back to my past and have a hard time understanding the choices i made. I am still struggling trying to understand myself and understand the state of mind I must have been in I suppose if that makes sense. I just want to understand so i never put myself in that situation again
@Bexsy absolutely...it makes sense to want to understand ourselves on a deeper level so that we can change and to grow
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
My choices led me to this moment. Some were good and some not so good. The older I’ve become, the more I’ve learned that the past doesn’t really define me. If anything, it’s my compass that now directs me on my path.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
We have to make mistakes. It’s a part of learning.

I went thru a very dark time when I found this.
It made me look at what happened differently.
Still stupid…but I understand what happpened better.
@LunarOrbit Well ...yeah 😬
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@pripyatamusementpark I’ve made a ton of mistakes (I’m older than you 🤣)but the most recent are always the worst it seems.
@LunarOrbit who hasn't?
Matt85 · 36-40, M
all the time
empanadas · 31-35, M
I think at my past to see how far I came but at the same time, I wouldnt get near my old self
@empanadas That's because you grew as a person to

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