Scripture For Today
Sometimes it's nice to take a look at things that are in your control. Too many blame others, blame the devil, and sometimes even blame God for their circumstances. And in blaming others, they take no responsibility for their problems and do nothing to change or improve their situation.
When we take responsibility for the things that are within our own control, we don’t have to wait for others to apologise, change their ways, or take action first, before we start making an effort to move forward in life. All it takes is changing your mind and you can change your life.
You have complete control over how much you let others hold you back and how much they prevent you from living the abundant life that Jesus promised.
You can DO ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens you. Philippians 4:13 doesn’t say that you can only do what others are willing to let you do. Or that you can only move forward when others aren’t stopping you. Or that you can’t change your circumstances until others are ready for you to change. Or that you can only do good when everything is perfect and the possibilities are favourable. Don't forget, you are in charge of your own life.
If it’s Christ who strengthens us to do all things, then why do some people blame others for their lack of progress? If it’s Christ who strengthens us, then what’s stopping us from forgiving others, letting go of the past, improving our circumstances, getting healthier, gaining knowledge, upskilling, and changing the course of their future?
Philippians 4:13 leaves us with NO EXCUSES.
ALL means ALL. If you’ll trust God and let Him strengthen you, you can overcome ALL the excuses that you’ve used to prevent you from moving forward. With HIS STRENGTH, you can do ALL things, and you can do what’s necessary for a better and brighter future.
Have a great week in Christ. God bless and lots of love, Grace