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Lesley233 · F
Yes Silvereyes, but she should be taking this so much better, I was wrong to message him for help about how shes ruining me, (I didn't actually mean to send it) But yeah... The dean won't let me tell my side, she has taken her side. And Shes making my life a living hell, I just don't get it, she pretends to be my "BFF" And then backstabs me and makes me seem like a physio

Lesley233 · F
Mahjack - Yes, but I have to show respect even if they don't deserve it, so I allow her to talk to me, (Not as much now) But I would always as soon as i could leave the convo. And don't worry she will NEVER ask me if I'm okay.
Mahjack · 31-35, M
Lesley, yes you do have to show respect but avoid talking to them has nothing to do with respect. It has something to do with avoiding problems. Especially when someone's constantly getting you in troubles and treating you bad when you're alone. You're not obligated to ask how's her weekend, and we both know what her brother wants, and it's wrong. Blocking him off isn't a bad decision, it's in fact, a good start. When someone does something bad to you, you don't overreact but you still need to do something about it to show them what they're doing is wrong, to save yourself from the troubles. You're really kind and innocent, you just need to know when you should react and what you should do :)
Starlight016 · 36-40, F
Yes.. I am sorry, I can't help much. U r just happened to be unlucky this time. Many teachers r like that.. How unfortunate.. :(

If I may share my story.. I was smart in school, very smart.. So people wouldn't dare just to do bad to me. I chose what to do as well, so mostly these kind of experience wouldn't come to me.

But once or twice, I might be unfortunate too... And these kind of experience happened to me. But I don't let people to treat me haphazardly. I turned around the condition & made them apologize to me.

I hope things will get better for u..
Mahjack · 31-35, M
I understand you're friendly but you should just avoid talking to them. You're both wrong. You keep talking to them even when they got you in trouble. These people are just playing around, avoid talking to them. If your teacher asked what's wrong, just say everything's fine.

Most importantly, block her brother off fb. I think it's obvious what he wants.
Also, I don't know how talkative you are but if we think of her action positively, maybe she's trying to protect you from strangers.
Lesley233 · F
Starlight - She has been making my life a living hell because shes been treating me differently in class, she would shouts at me and brings me completely down when I'm alone but as soon as I'm around people she is a little angel, even my friends see it. I am not smart but i'm not dumb, I do my work and never talk back. She is my PE teacher, it is her first year teaching shes 23, but she needs to grow up she thinks she back in High School
Mahjack · 31-35, M
Oh btw, when I said avoid talking to her, I didn't mean to say ignore when she's talking to you. Just don't prolong the convo and don't start one, only if necessary :)
I'm not sure my answer helps. But after reading that sounds like both off you in the wrong
Message me dear, I've had teachers like this. Love to chat
Starlight016 · 36-40, F
Hmm.. I don't know what to say actually & I don't know if I can help either. In addition, I don't know how she makes ur life a living hell.
But, if I may ask (if u don't mind).. Are u smart in school?

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