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MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@coolman86 :o very bold.

If your stated age range is authentic, you're right where you're supposed to be in your life. Growing up is hard and uncomfortable. But the secret I this: it's hard and uncomfortable for every single one of us. The very thing we think alienates us is the one thing we all go through together.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Believe me, one day you'll look back and wonder at how good you really looked, at how innocent and meaningless so many mistakes were. As soon as wisdom and age allow, develop a healthy sense of humor about yourself. There will always be an element of high school cliques, but you're also going to find people who fit your life like a well-worn pair of jeans.

Without everything you are, you can't become the person you're meant to be and that person has a skill set, talent and insight no one else in this world will be able to provide. Somewhere there's another soul just waiting for your love. Somewhere in the future, a situation is taking shape only you will be able to manage. You are singular, beautiful and perfect. To be anyone else would be do diminish all that.
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
Nope! It took me too long to accept who I am to want to be someone else.
Madelenie · 26-30, F
How do you know that someone you could born as doesn't hate herself/himself?
GlassDog · 46-50, M
Life isn't so much about the hand you're dealt as what you do with it. You most likely have strengths you're not even considering because they're second nature to you, and you'd miss them if they suddenly weren't there.
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
@MissBlackrose: just try to embrace those qualities that make you a special and unique person. It's hard, but I know you can!
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@GlassDog, perhaps I would miss these traits, but they're nothing special. It's all a part of the trade off and risk of being reborn (if possible).
A lot of my "strengths" that have been pointed out before are qualities of a semi-decent human, nothing special or unique as people like to express comes with individuality.
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@Suthysmoothiesloth I don't. I imagine it's like rolling dice - you're not quite sure what you'll get. But just as there are many people who hate themselves, I'm sure there are many who don't, or don't hate themselves as much, or cope in ways much better than I do. That is something I'd prefer.
I think we feel this way because we need to make changes. Perhaps, instead for wanting to be someone else, you start day by day becoming the best person you can be?
Longlegs2014 · 61-69, M
There are times I may look at someone else and maybe think they look so good, and maybe a touch of envy, but that's not the same as wanting be born as someone else.
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@popmol, that's a difficult question. It's a combination of things. I don't like my appearance because I hate the way my features come together. Oddly shaped head, big lopsided lips, small beady eyes, big nose, etc. But I've considered surgery and all that and rejected the idea because I had a feeling I'd still be unhappy with myself. I hate how difficult it is for me to socialize. I'm not nervous, but I always say weird things and berate myself for them later. I hate the metaphorical "Pick On Me" sign that must be stapled to my forehead. It's gotten me unbelievable amounts of grief growing up and ridicuole and a lack of people taking me seriously as I move into my adult life.

There's something deep down that I have yet to grasp, and so I have no proper explanation. It's just a feeling of deep-rooted self-loathing that's come from within.
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@MrsKatherineArch, ah, I've tried, believe me. Six, almost seven, years of the same feelings, and I feel like I've tried everything under the sun. I just find that I don't like myself at all. Nothing about myself. I've even tried sitting down and walking through each of my traits (with another person as well, so I'd have someone who didn't focus so much on the negative), but to no avail. In my opinion, not everything that is special and unique is necessarily good.
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@MrsKatherineArch, I tried counseling as well. To me, it felt a little bit like an expensive waste of time. While it did help me identify some of my problems, it didn't necessarily solve them (or begin to). I find that now that I know about how I feel (compared to the indescribable rage I used to feel), I'm a lot more stable - just unhappy. I'm not as frustrated as I used to be, though these feelings are still extremely frustrating.
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@MrsKatherineArch I'm glad you've accepted yourself! I hope I can do the same...
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@Franky and @bijouxbroussard, I suppose if you're handling just fine on your own, it makes sense not to take such a risk. However, I think that, even though I know nothing about the person I could be reborn as, I would do it just for the chance that it would be better. I don't think we would be the same, because we would be someone else, I guess, if that makes sense.
GlassDog · 46-50, M
@MissBlackrose: Maybe they're not special to you because you're used to them. It's difficult to appreciate the only existence we know and difficult to imagine being without the things we take for granted. However, it's not my place to contest your answer. I'd like it if you have the chance to be someone else, but I'd like it more if you also had the option to change your mind and be you again.
Nope, despite all my flaws, I like being me...
Well... I personally never (or rarely) ever cared about how I look or sound as long as I don't see or hear myself past what my brain interpreted my voice + or I'm looking at a mirror. I do stupid things too and I'm awkward, but I focus on what I love more than what I hate.
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@justmerae1, and what gauges the best someone can be? That saying has always both frustrated and fascinated me because how do we know we can be better and how do we know that our best is not still completely subpar?
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
I know all about those dark feelings of self loathing. May I suggest that you get a counselor? It helped me make sense of my issues, and I am a far better and more stable person because of counseling.
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@Longlegs2014, I do envy many people for many different things, but I still do think I would like to be born as someone else. I don't look at people and say I'd like to be them, though.
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@ac2pic, I see. Thank you for your comment! :) I do wish I had that ability to not focus/notice so much about myself.
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@kimmygary, yeah, that's the biggest risk. I feel like I'd still take it, treat it like a gamble.
well the grass is not always greener on the other side 🌱so No ...but i would love a facelift, a nose job, and a cure for anxiety and depression tho...oh and maybe some lypo...lmao!.😂
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@CarlMarcus, I understand that feeling so well...
Franky · 46-50, M
As we are our own worst enemies and become what we are.
I think whoever we were born as, we would end up the same....
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
Nope,I love everything about myself. Warts and all.
No. I have no way of knowing what burdens others are carrying. I know I'm capable of carrying mine.
coolman86 · 36-40, M
you tell it like it is
coolman86 · 36-40, M
I love you
popmol · 26-30, M
why don't you like yourself
Nope, I'd rather choose not to be born
MissBlackrose · 26-30, F
@ac2pic, any particular reason why? Not being nasty, just curious is all.
RandyPowers · 56-60, M
If you were somebody else you'd hate that too. It's in your mind.
I have been born twice. First time, I got depressed and did suicide. I might do it again.
Lilnonames · F
you could be born more as you hate yourself now and b worse off

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