It'd be easier to list bones I haven't broken. I don't even know the whole list. I just got over 2 ribs and the collar bone from a motorbike crash. And before that it wa a broken foot. I'm always injured
Austin300 · 26-30, M
Man, sorry to hear what has happened to you. Hope you'll recover soon.

yup I twisted my ankle broke my fingure and many more..just get some rest don't do any heavy work and apply ice in that injured area yeah no exercise for few days that will do
Austin300 · 26-30, M
Yeah, thanks for the tip. I already made a list of plans for big workouts for the next few weeks. So unfortunate >.<

No but I've had alot of bad sprangs
Austin300 · 26-30, M
Ouch. Hope you're feeling better now : )


I've fractured my right femur bone back in 5th grade :/ it hurt like a son of a gun :(
Austin300 · 26-30, M
That must have been painful. Sorry to hear that you went through that. Is it fully recovered now?

Well not exactly :/ I still have problems out of that leg

yes too many. it sucks.. rest well. it will heal over time
Austin300 · 26-30, M
Hope you're doing ok now.

yeah I'm doing good. hope you'll be OK. :-)
Austin300 · 26-30, M
Thanks, glad to hear that 😄

workout?that shtt is crazy...and i am not crazy!