put yourself on the outside of the situation, try to forget about the past and start new and use some effort to get them into conversation. try to give them a second chance because grudges from when we were growing up can not usually be resolved because they happened when we so impressionable. ive learned a few things that happened i may have misunderstood but try to keep topics current. try not to lose your defenses but try not to let old thinking habits interfere. its not easy.

Understanding and forgiveness. Trying to understand why they do the things they do can help make sense of their motives, but this not always possible, sometimes even the person them self doesn't know why they did it. Being able to forgive is the best way to reduce your anger if you are able to do so.

Find the good things they did for you. Realize life isn't fair. There is always something good in anything. No matter how bad it seems I guarantee if you try you can appreciate something. For example, some kids at your age have no family, they would give anything to have a family treat them unfairly.

Let it go, and run away

stop being a spoiled teenager girl
WifeofMars · 31-35, F
If you get the fuck beat out of you from a baby and up until 8 yrs of age and then it stops but then starts back at 12 yrs of age til now when your mom gets rid of a bf. But then there's still the yelling and stuff would you consider yourself a spoiled
teenager?? I didn't think so. So don't fucking judge me.
teenager?? I didn't think so. So don't fucking judge me.

i understand my brother used to get beat with a stool foot until he was 12 ...but you could have said how do i get over the abuse i suffered from my family ...its very hard trust me i have had my own experience of this just don't let the person from your past be stronger then who you are now...
WifeofMars · 31-35, F
Thank you