MarineBob · 56-60, M
The most trusted name in everyday news
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
MarineBob..I thought that was Trump?

BizSuitStacy · M
In what respect? Security? Censorship of certain content? Or something more Orwellian?
@BizSuitStacy With your personal data.
BizSuitStacy · M
@AskingTheUniverse Seeing as how many people's accounts are easily hacked, then no, I don't particularly trust FB. If you mean that they may do something more sinister with your personal data, then yes, I do think that is possible. Whether we like it or not, FB, Google and other large tech firms are very political.
With what?
@GrayGhost Your personal data.
@AskingTheUniverse 🤔 guess I need to do some research on this matter. I'm in a dozen groups on fb....
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Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
Hahahahahahaha!!! Fuck no. 🤣
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AnarchoMetalchic · 41-45
bijouxbroussard · F
Not a bit. And based upon the constant security lapses, no one should. I got rid of my page back in 2009, before finding EP.