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AnExcellentJestt · 36-40, M
Donkey kong country...various Mario's...street fighter...zelda...the classics
Jackand · 41-45, M
@AnExcellentJestt i remember
AnExcellentJestt · 36-40, M
I remember too...i still play them

@xixgun Vectrex?
xixgun · M
@xixgun but the screen looks like vector graphics and the only console game I know of that uses vector graphics is Vectrex
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
I’m old. Atari and all its games. Then Nintendo until my kids started beating me.
@Keepitsimple Pitfall! That lousy Pac man on the Atari disappointed me when I got it.
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
That´s how computers looked like when I was a kid.
I even made some programs (Fortran and later Algol) for the one in the photos.
Video games? There were still in the future.
The man standing in the second pic was M. Sadosky, a dear profesor of mine.

Jackand · 41-45, M
@CharlieZ Thank you for sharing
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@Jackand Thank you!
It gives some perspective when the computers you´ve worked with when young are in museums!
EvilFairy · 18-21, F
EvilFairy · 18-21, F
@Jackand i played it on xbox but its on all systems
Scubaguy027 · 46-50, M
@EvilFairy i still play it on occasion
@EvilFairy I played it on pc and had invested hundreds of hours. Beautiful and immersive world, and engaging story.
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
We were kind of poor and my father would have never aloud it.
But I remember losing all my quarters in Asteroids .
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
They have no idea and I only blame myself. @Keepitsimple
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
My kids had a lot but I didn’t go out and get the latest and greatest because I knew in a year it would be obsolete. Now they live at home still so they can buy whatever they want.@Cantsayno
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
Same here my friend @Keepitsimple
Pong by Atari came out when I was 15 and every kid in Rich Mountain would go to Chris's place to play it!
Jackand · 41-45, M
@puck61 🙂
I started with Pong, then Atari, moved on to PC, Nintendo, and Xbox since. Overwatch is my current favorite game.
Gusman · 61-69, M
Back in the 70's yes.
Space Invaders, Breakout, Galaxian, Pong,
TheThinker · 56-60, M
All those plus GORF, Defender, Robotron and Tempest.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@TheThinker I think I remember Defender, not the others
Hdryder555 · 61-69, M
As a teen we had to go to the arcade to play pong!
xixgun · M
@Hdryder555 (And we loved every minute of it!)
Hdryder555 · 61-69, M
@xixgun yes we did,
Sonic the hedgehog, super mario, crash bandicoot, and Spyro
@SW-User The original Sonic was great.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Too many. Loved going to the arcade.
Jackand · 41-45, M
Anyone played pinball?
@Jackand I sucked at it
Jackand · 41-45, M
@HungJury is it related to table tennis?
@Jackand Yes ...
@HungJury There was a Pong at the Y where I used to go swimming, it was one of those tabletop ones and I would eat my post-swim hickory sticks off it while watching the demo mode below
@SW-User Loved that game!.
@SW-User It was so intense. I liked Robotron 2084 and Defender too, for the same reasons.
@SW-User Yes! I always sucked at Defender. Brings back lots of good time memories of going to the arcade with friends.
Many back then, the classic ones mostly, like Super Mario, Pac Man, Islander and others, since there were arcade machines and Nintendo.
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
Video games didn't exist in my childhood days... 🙂
Jackand · 41-45, M
@ms20182878 what did you play in outdoors?
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@Jackand We rode our bikes, went to the park, played on the beach, played hide-and-seek in the neighborhood until well after dark, rode our skateboards and carts down the hill, and read books... to name a few activities. I also did a lot of yardwork and chores around the house.
Jackand · 41-45, M
@ms20182878 when i was a kid, we would gather on saturday nights, electricity supply would go off in late evening time and we would frame ghost stories.
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
Yes arcade games and then we had the old Atari games console with built in games .
Yes .. 80's games ,90's games too ...before the games became too violent and graphic
Mario bros, duck hunt that kind of stuff on the regular Nintendo.
Tobasco · 31-35, F
Too many to list

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