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This bad boy for awhile now.
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@RemovedUsername827813, I only ever played fallout 4. I’ve got fallout76 on my mind a lot lately, I’ll play that on my
Xbox though.
Xbox though.
RemovedUsername827813 · 100+, T
@SW-User Fallout 76 sounds nice on paper, but in reality, you'll have all sorts of people running around mic spamming really stupid stuff like the loud nigra noise and killing people for no reason lmao. Obviously this is unavoidable with every multiplayer game, but in the case of those rust type games, it hurts them a lot imo. I'm still gonna look into it though. As for Fallout 4, I've heard lots of mixed things about it. Do you think the hate is justified? I never played any of em past NV.

@RemovedUsername827813, I have a feeling there will be a way around the whole pvp/mic spamming.
As for whether the hate is justified, I don’t know. Like I said, I never played any of the others. I enjoyed my time inside the game, though.
As for whether the hate is justified, I don’t know. Like I said, I never played any of the others. I enjoyed my time inside the game, though.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Eniac ....looong time
21stCenturyFox · 26-30, F
@Goralski Very.
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MacBook Air. Once i move, finish my course and more financially stableI want to get a imac desk top for a work station and to keep all my work stored And use the air for work on the go.
RemovedUsername827813 · 100+, T
I currently have a Nvidia GTX 1050 ti and an Intel i7 930 clocked at 2.80 GHZ. My computer wasn't that great before, but my grandfather was kind enough to gift me his old work computer.
Mac... had a Mac since spring of 1984. (Second day they were in the stores.) Can't use a PC. Mostly I use iPhone and iPad now.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
Texas instument TI-99/4A, 35 years
RemovedUsername827813 · 100+, T
@Dolimyte Hey man, at least you can play the original 1993 DooM with it! Still a fun game, even by today's standards.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
@RemovedUsername827813 dude, check your math.
RemovedUsername827813 · 100+, T
@Dolimyte I know haha. Haven't you seen those videos on youtube of people playing DooM with a calculator?
butterfly1013 · 26-30, F
I recently purchased an HP windows ten in blue. It was about a month or so ago. I was using my parent's for awhile it was an acer chrome book.
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Gusman · 61-69, M
HP Stream Notebook. 3 Years old. Almost time for a new one me thinks
fallnhope · 36-40, F
An HP of some sort about a year ago... rarely use it though
PiecingBabyFaceTogether · 31-35, M
Dell inspiron 3558 I have it since January 2017

I don't have one. Just my smartphone.
flashywords · 36-40, F
@SW-User ... Ahh. Okay. Thanks for answering.
Macbook pro, it was jus bought this year lolz
BeefySenpie · M
MacBook Air, coming up 5 years

A week old windows laptop. Hahahaha
MarmeeMarch · M
screen and keyboard +mouse
21stCenturyFox · 26-30, F
HP. About 5 years
Mondayschild · F
I don't have one now
xixgun · M
iMac. 3 years
Custom built.
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
I dont have one
rjc36 · 61-69, M
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
about 5 years now. My brother built it. It's still great, you can't even purchase the components anymore. Got some GTX Nvidia 670 going on in here,